The story...
I'm so thankful to be thankful because I'm thankful.
My top-ten reasons for being thankful:
- God's word confirms I'm right with God due to faith in Christ's redeeming work.
- Each breath I breath - to be alive.
- My life partner who promised to stick with, and love me, no matter what.
- Family members whom I share life and love with.
- Ability to receive, understand, store, recall and apply knowledge.
- Close friends with whom I walk through life towards a common aim.
- A warm, comfortable, safe home within the security of the USA.
- Mobility to go where I want to go and care for myself.
- Wise, "Yes," choices that help me grow and be.
- Medical system that enables me to be active and relatively pain free.
The only church in town will teach, preach, and proclaim good reasons for being thankful. In a community, there'll be circumstances where the comforts of this life don't seem within reach. Yet, their souls often sing with joy - faith worked our it reality. Community living like this should've been in my top ten list - I wonder where I might've inserted it and what it would've replaced?
Just for today...
"If I so choose, I can regard everything that happens in my life as a gift from which I can learn and grow." Courage to Change (p. 332)
Were you looking for someone who meets your needs yet expects little of you? That's a pet - like a dog.