The story...
In my late twenties, I was asked to serve as a middle-school youth leader. It was initially uncomfortable as you might expect. Yet, playing, laughing, teaching key truths in story, attending a youth-leader seminar, leading songs with guitar, traveling together, sharing life actualities, suffering together, encouraging, praising, and seeing growth were real good. Then an event happened that triggered emotions that must've been buried deep down inside me.
The situation: it's winter, there's snow outside, and we'd just finished our youth group events for the night. The kids are running and playing inside. One boy steps outside, makes a snowball, and throws it at a friend whose running away inside the church. Frustrated, I was left to scoop up the snow. At the same time, I look up and see an Elder walk out of a bible-study room and stare at me and the snowball splat, he wore a look of disgust.

Why does this scene trigger emotions from me even now as I recall it. This happened about 35 years ago! Thank goodness I didn't react quickly to that leering look. I finished cleaning up the mess and stored my pent-up emotions. The Elder was a good man and I still think of him with respect. So, was my primary cause frustration, authority figures, the youth leader role, lack of respect shown to me as the leader, unwanted discipline I received long ago, my questioning the worthiness of my service, or simply being rejected by the group? I don't know the cause. It may've been all or some combination; yet, it seems that an emotional wound was exposed in this critical event. I likely still have a small scar.
The only church in town is going to be filled with wounded people who cover up their scars. Comfort and hope is available as they learn to love and receive love. This story highlights the need to work out the greatest and second greatest commandments - love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and mind. And, love your neighbor as yourself. Yes, that means loving yourself too.
Just for today...
"Courage is fear that has said its prayers." One Day at a Time (p. 84)
"I searched my past to see how this character defect had helped me to survive the pain and chaos of growing up in. . . Listing the benefits of the defect made it easier to see why it had become such a big part of me. It also helped me see how the flaw was just a positive attribute run amok." Hope for Today (p. 84)