Friday, November 10, 2023

November 10th - A peaceful and focused mind might ...

The story...

I woke up early in pain.  I wisely didn't  make coffee or take pain medication - I was tempted to do both.  Instead, I looked at YouTube videos to learn about stretches that might relive the pain and numbness emanating from my compressed L5-S1 disc.  I found a couple that felt good and learned about a couple that I habitually did that might've contributed to the problem.  I felt better but couldn't fall back to sleep.

What might I do to fall asleep?  Work a cross-word puzzle, read historical-fiction, think about a favorite place or time, or pickup my old NASB bible and read the book of Ephesians - the book that reveals the spiritual realities of who I really am in Christ.  I read the book of Ephesians thoughtfully, repeating some of the most awesome parts, and finished in what seemed to be about 1/2 hour.  Yes, I fell asleep right with me, life, and our God in Christ.

The only church in town will repeatedly hear and enjoy the realities of who we are in Christ.  The cares of the world will creep in yet they'll be overshadowed by the cross - the place and time when God performed his redeeming work.  They'll treasure this most wonderful assurance of being found in Christ today, tomorrow, and for all eternity.   Yes, God loves the creatures He created in His image - John 3:16.

Just for today...

"Just for a minute, empty your mind of all thought. Then admit to it one single idea, and concentrate on it for a whole minute . . . The minute will seem like an hour, but at the end of this concentrated thought, the tension and confusion will have drained away..."  One Day at a Time (p. 315)

"I used to feel that if I didn't solve a problem immediately, it would remain for all time. Now I know that everything passes eventually, the happy as well as the sad."  Courage to Change (p. 315)

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