The story...
About thirty years ago, I heard a definition of wisdom that rang true to me. It's still the best definition that I've heard - I've passed it on hundreds of times. Wisdom is knowing where to go and how to get there. We might all benefit by pondering this definition for awhile. We need both the first and second parts to help us distinguish between wise and unwise paths.
Isaiah 6 recount's Isaiah's experience within the throne room of God. Meeting God would surely be a good place to start when envisioning where we're going - towards the one Who created us and spoke the Truth for evaluating the quality of our lives. The Nicene Creed, written in 325AD, gives the church a good starting place for agreeing on how we get there. Collectively, a church may behave wisely - a continual process for each individual and a synergetic process for the community within the power of the Spirit of God.
I'm thankful to have a congregation of Barred owls whose family has lived with us in the woods for at least 30 years. They do have good qualities and seem wise - I like them a lot and they seem friendly.
Barred Owl
Just for today...
"I needed love before I even knew what it was. By loving others, I learn to treat myself well." Courage to Change (p. 42)
"Woke up expecting good, yet suffered throughout - A better creature tonight, inside and out." Am I a Poet?