Showing posts with label Prayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prayer. Show all posts

Thursday, July 4, 2024

July 4th - I wonder if somebody will sit next to me?

The story...

I sat next to a woman on a train to Milwaukee yesterday.  Unexpectedly, we shared much of the important parts of our lives.  Kristen let me know that she had her eye removed with hopes of eradicating the cancer in her body yet she recently discovered that the cancer is now in her liver - there's no known cure for that type of cancer.  She's participating in a sort of holistic program to extend her life with the hope that a new, yet unknown solution, might materialize.

She was a positive person with much support in her life.   We discussed living in 3-month intervals, the pros and cons of hoping for a miracle, difficulties related to thinking about future plans, and the important parts of life that might make a difference into eternity.  I think that we encouraged each other and were both better off for having met and listened to each other with open hearts.  I'm glad that I chose to sit next to her.  I wrote a prayer card and placed it in my prayer box.  I hope that she lives a long fruitful life yet I likely will never know - we shared only our first names.  I wish now we would have traded e-mail addresses.

The only church in town would likely be a place where congregates might expect conversations regarding life's challenges and eternal realities with open, honest, and humble God trusting people.  Human wisdom and hope have limited value when interment is in view.

Just for today...

  • Value each person we meet - it's a miracle that each of us is alive.
  • Be open to God's leading and resist temptations to be your own little god.
  • Seek to understand them - you might open an opportunity to both give and receive love.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

June 30th - God knows what I'm trying to say

The story...

I wonder how often I prayed when I was young and what I prayed about?  I don't remember expectations that I knelt beside my bed with my hands folded together.  I expect that I laid in bed making pleas for answers regarding the dilemmas that each day presented.  I do remember sleeping on the bottom bunk looking at the airplanes that were on the fabric below the top bunk - I did often imagine flying.  My needs were never fully met yet I hope I was mostly thankful for the what and the whom that were parts of my life.  

I look back now with thankfulness for all of the life changes that came my way - the good, the bad and the...   My relationship with God is closer than ever and my life is generally peaceful.  I can imagine how God might enjoy me and our relationship.  Yes, I greatly value my human experience and have inklings of how they might be valuable in the next life or realm.

Scripture confirms that God knows a  man's heart better than any man does.  It seems that God enjoys and responds to our conversations with Him.  The only church in town will teach people to pray - to work out a right relationship with God the Father through our Savior our Lord Jesus the Christ.  I'm so thankful that my parents brought me to church where I learned Who God was, what He revealed, and how to pray.

Just for today...

"As a child I seldom felt as though I had enough of anything - especially love , attention, and approval.  It seemed no matter what my parents said or did, I always wanted more.  As and adult I tried to get my needs met in other ways.  I ate too much, thinking I could fill my empty spaces with food.  I shopped in too many stores, searching for the  elusive merchandise that would finally make me feel complete.  I sought 'substitute parents' whose attention and approval would make me feel good about my life and myself."  Hope for Today (p. 182)

"'Why are you saying your ABCs so many times?' I asked the boy.  He replied, 'I'm saying my prayers.' I couldn't help but laugh. 'Prayers.? All I hear is the alphabet.' Patiently the boy explained, Well, I don't know all the words, so I give God the letters. God knows what I am trying to say.'"  Courage to Change (p. 182) 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

June 25th - Why do I resist prayer?

The story...

I was trained to be an industrial engineer (IE).  One of my IE tasks was to plan for the capacity to produce products.  People learn new processes and systems at predictable rates.  Their speed of learning may be modeled by a constant percentage every time they double the total number of parts they've produced to date.  The multiplier will be at about 80% for simple assembly work and up to 95% for more complex work.  For an 80% manual-job learning curve, this rule-of-thumb would project that a 10 min. time for the 50th part would be reduced to 8 min. for the 100th part.  The idea is right even if my facts are a tad off.

So, what's the learning curve look like for my prayer life?  My capacity to pray and time I spent praying doesn't fit the learning curve model.   First, I don't remember being taught to pray.  My family recited a version of the prayer Jesus taught His disciples before meals - I remember it as follows:

"Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever, AMEN."  Luke 11:1-13  

I've listened to other people pray aloud - their prayers were addressed to themselves, the prayer group, God, Jesus, and sometimes to no one in particular.  My prayer history had ebbs and flows, desert and rainy seasons, anxiety and peace, new truth and despair, full acceptance and lost, long and short, revelation and no sense of change, quiet and loud, on my knees or speeding, one-way and two-way, natural and foreign, loving and left outside, trusting and questioning...

I wish I'd prayed more.  I'm going to pray right down and tell you what happened when I am done.  Here it goes...

I prayed for 8 min. 5 sec. My heart was right, I praised and thanked God.  I made my requests known for others. I was quiet for about a third of the time and felt emotions and physical feeling within my body too.  It felt good and right - a place where I want to be.  Yet, as I'm typing I've returned to my life journey.  My prayer respite is but a memory.   I wonder how that prayer might've affected lives and God's intervention.  We may never know the answer to questions like these.  Yet, God revealed that prayer's critical towards our relationship and receipt of His loving kindness. 

Yes, the only church in town would be a place of prayer.  People would work out increasingly reliant relationships with our God and seek Him and His will in prayer.  If we were prayerful sorts, might we enjoy each other more?  He's faithful.

Just for today...

"Am I too busy too pray? Have I no time for meditation? Then let me ask myself whether I have been able to solve my problems without help."  One Day at a Time (p. 177)

Friday, June 7, 2024

June 7th - Let it be heard - lament - be rid of the pain

The story...

I've had the joy of meeting weekly with a group of men while we studied the bible.  Next Monday night will be my last with them.  Strangely, we'll be considering the lamentations of the prophet Jeremiah who lived 40 years warning Jerusalem of God's pending judgment - the destruction of the people, temple, palace, city, law, festivals, and land.  A remnant of 4,600 people would be exiled to Babylon for 70 years to cleanse the people and the land from the effects of sin.  Jerimiah lamented deeply - he's known as the weeping prophet.

All life comes with suffering - ignoring, pretending and hiding seem to be reasonable responses yet they run rife with bad consequences - bottled up emotions is no way to live a good life.  God knows our heart and hears our prayers that cry out with the pain inflicted from our personal and collective sin. 

The only church in town would be acutely aware that they're living in a cursed world.  People need to be restored when sin inflicts it's damage.  Real freedom and love are offered by God through faith in His great work in Christ.  Yet, the pain and sufferings of life take their toll.  God hears our lamenting and loves those who walk faithfully beside Him within the only church in town.

The Passion Of The Christ - Tear Drop From God

Why not go to a quiet place and let it out today?

Just for today...

"Courtesy . . . is an expression of love, warm concern for the other person's comfort, peace of mind and well being . . . The practice of courtesy in the home gives us many opportunities each day to convey our love in little ways."  One Day at a Time (p. 159)

"When I turn off one feeling, I shut off all the others . . .  Sobbing, wailing, lamenting - all different ways of discharging my pain so that I can heal - allow me to experience the strength of my aliveness."  Hope for Today (p. 159)

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

May 28th - Need - Pray - Trust - Wait - Praise - Thankfulness - Peace

The story...

I've a prayer box where I place scraps of paper with recorded prayers that I'm trusting God with.  I hadn't opened it for a couple months and was surprised of what I saw when I opened it this week.  Positive and unexpected changes were happening with each request.   If I was a little god, I'd never have planned them to work out the way they did.  I'm thankful that I left them with God and resisted the urge to intervene and "help" them.

The only church in town would pray for their hopes and needs and trust God for outcomes.  Later, when they expectantly open their "prayer box" they'd find unexpected...   

Just for today...

"I have heard it said that the only valid comparisons are between myself as I am and myself as I used to be."  Courage to Change (p. 148)

"God, please help me be willing to be willing."  Hope for Today (p. 149)

Friday, March 29, 2024

March 29th: Pray Continually?

The story...

I assumed it was some type of extreme idea or hyperbole: "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus." (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. NASB)   How could a man be in continual contact with God?  Is that the will of God?  

Later in life, I found this truth worked out in reality - sensing and observing an ongoing relationship between the Spirt of God and my spirit..  Being truly awake and alert to the reality of the present.  Fruit born without all the turmoil that goes along with trying to be a good boy.  The greatest commandment worked out?

I've heard that being right with God, and walking humbly with Him, is like finally discovering the oil reserve deep below your house.  You notice it bubbling out of the ground.  Then one day you decide to pump it out of the ground and use it thereafter.  The idea of using your untapped resource is acted out in the opening credits for one of the best TV shows of all time.

The only church in town would teach God's revealed Word and the people would work out their faith in God's Word together.  They'd walk alongside each other as they learn to abide in Christ.  One day, they might naturally experience unceasing prayer.  Each of them would be different, in their own unique and gifted way, yet together they'd be awesome in Christ.  

Just for today...

"I lost my conscious contact with God. I gained weight, stopped exercising, and lost interest in my home and family.  I started isolating, and I sank into depression."  Hope for Today (p. 89)

"Worrying and fear can alter our perceptions until we lose all sense of reality, twisting neutral situations into nightmares.  Because most worry focuses on the future, if we can learn to stay in the present, living one day or one moment at at time, we take positive steps toward warding off our fear."  Courage to Change (p. 150)

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus."  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. (NASB)

Saturday, February 17, 2024

February 17th - A place to pray

 The story...

Do you have a place to pray?  What triggers your prayer habit?  In the past, my knees hurt due to bursitis.  I ordered my kneeling pad one day, from Amazon, and received it on my door step the next day - the delivery speed continues to amaze me.  It was comfortable, I could slide it under my bed, and it worked.  It surprised me that both seeing the pad and thinking about the pad triggered my prayer response - that's a good thing.

How would a place to pray work out in the only church in town?  I expect that the doors would be open often for those who are prompted to kneel in the quietness of a sanctuary.  Scriptures says that we can live a life of continuous prayer without going into the church building - remaining in a sort of constant communication.  Yet, we know there are times when we need to shut out the cares of the world and go to a place where we can kneel down and be quiet.   A place that's separate from the cares and noise of the world - a place that triggers a restorative experience of worship, praise, thanking, asking, receiving and listening.  That's a good place to be.

Just for today...

"Faith takes practice.  Fears can loom large and I can get lost in my limited thinking.  When I can't see any way out and I doubt that even God can help me, that's when I most need to pray."    Courage to Change (p. 48)

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus."  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NASB)

Monday, January 8, 2024

January 8th - Being quiet with God - the good place to be.

The story...

Oh... to be rightly related with God, enjoying who He is and expectantly listening for His direction through creation, other people, His revealed Word, fruit born through us, and through the Spirit of Christ too.  That's a good place to be.  I plan on being quiet today with open ears and an open heart.

The only church in town will share the reality of God, our Creator, and the extraordinary life pilgrimage and hope that we can enjoy in Christ.  We can leave the cares of the world aside, abide in Christ, and bear His fruit until we breathe that last breath (John 15:4).

Just for today...

"During my daily quiet time, I try to focus all my attention on God. When I take my problems to Him, I try to leave them there and keep my focus of attention on Him."  As We Understood (p. 196)

Monday, December 25, 2023

December 25th - Being quiet - replacing what-ifs with even-ifs

 The story...

I'm lifting weights in my basement while listening to an inspiring message from one of my mentor's on YouTube.  I complete my stretching and turn off the TV.  I kneel down on my weight bench in prayer and meditation.  Then, I'm quiet and peaceful for a time, maybe the best part of life, then it's quickly over.  Why?

Being quite in prayer, meditating, is a great place to be - peacefulness.  Why might it be illusive?  I will to be quiet and peaceful following prayer with my heart open to the Spirit of God.  Yet, my mind, often filled with the cares of the world, seems crouched on the sideline, ready to pounce back in and continue running the show.  These are the those thoughts of: having to, wanting to, planning to, worrying about, interested in, and even whimsically entertaining myself - an endless stream of possibilities just waiting to be juggled around and explored.  Might my "what-ifs" be replaced with "even-ifs?"  If our focus shifted from trying to control and worry about what might happen to trusting God "even if" circumstances seem to go awry, might we live in a more peaceful place and make better decisions too?

The only church in town will introduce those assembled to the Word of God and the opportunity to experience fellowship with their God too - wow.  Faith in God means trusting Him, our Creator, to keep His Word.  And, His Word lived out is the very best both for the few years I have left on this earth and for all eternity that awaits.  Yes, it's reasonable and right to replace our "what-ifs" with "even-ifs" when we are right with God in Christ.  Yes, I'm with Him.  That's an infinitely better place to be than merely trying my best, on my own, to control the uncontrollable.  

Merry Christmas - we have a wonderful Savior in Christ!  Praise God!  Spend time with Him.

Just for today...

"Serenity is: . . .  accepting my many characteristics and not judging what's 'bad' or 'good' but what's useful to keep and what to release . . . honoring my feelings without aiming them at someone else or letting them run my life."  Hope for Today (p. 360)

"What message does my silence communicate? Today I will try to align the stillness of my tongue with a stillness of spirit."  Courage to Change (p. 360)

Friday, December 22, 2023

December 22nd - Being aware an engaging in the present

The story...

I wonder how much of our thinking life is actually spent thinking about the past (maybe 20%), engaging in the present reality (maybe 50%), or thinking about future realities (maybe 30%)?  Given enough time, I expect that we all would agree that it's best to live in the present where life actually occurs.  If we did so, I expect that our memories would be richer, and our future moments better lived.

A group of friends, and a book, introduced me to the benefits of living more fully in the present where life actually occurs.  They introduced me to the acronym S.T.E.A.M.: Senses, Thoughts, Emotions, Actions, and Mindfulness.  I practiced mindfulness by going through each of the letters when I found myself excessively reliving the past or worrying about future possibilities - I often did this on hiking trails.  First, I checked my five senses.  Second, I examined my current thoughts.  Third, I identified my emotions.  Fourth, I was honest with what I was doing.  Lastly, I enjoyed the peacefulness of rightly living in the present - being mindful.

Yes, I painted this...

The only church in town will introduce you to the spiritual realities that may have previously escaped your detection.  Yes, God communicates and works out life, with His creation, in the present.  So... I added an "S" to the acronym, S.T.E.A.M.S., to stand for my spirit and God's Spirit relating within the unseen spiritual reality.  Yes, there is a spirit/Spirit reality.  Why not pray now, one-on-one with God, and together within the only church in town?

Best definition of wisdom I've ever heard:  "Live for today, plan for tomorrow, and think on eternity."

Just for today...

The Contemplative Life:  "...prayer is available any time, any place. It is undetectable to outside eyes, but it bears a seed of transformation that can bring the most unmanageable situation into perspective."  Courage to Change (p. 357)

"I wondered how I could pray without feeling false . . . my rigidity was a wall that hid my fear . . . Now I am gentler with myself and others.  Acceptance of my self-doubts enabled me to start turning away from the "musts" and "shoulds."  Hope for Today (p. 357)

Thursday, December 14, 2023

December 14th - When in trouble, quit digging the hole and ask for help.

 The story...

There was an older guy, who worked for me, that had a difficult time solving his problems with his computer models - he was modeling changes to parts that our company produced.  He'd spend hours trying to figure out his problems by himself with much wasted time and angst.  He was spending way too much time per project - he needed to either improve or move on to another type of job. 

I remember meeting with him, in his office, to discuss the types of problems that he had.  Some were dealing with infrequent exceptions to the design process that had special causes.  Some were due to his methods that were different than the ones that he was trained to perform.  Some were due to misconceptions regarding the computer-aided-design process.  Some were due to terminology that he didn't understand.  Some were due to actual design issues that he didn't have to consider when he was drawing with paper and pencil.  Some were due to a sort of uneasiness with his ability to perform his job with a computer that was forced upon him - he felt that he wasn't capable or valued by the group.

We better understood each other after we met a few times in his office.  We came up with a solution that included retraining on a few modules.  We worked out arrangements, with three other designers, to ask for help when needed - he came to them with the problem clearly defined.  "Timing" rules minimized his propensity to spin his wheels while "hoping" for a solution.  The process included: 1st, take a few minutes to identify and clarify the problem; 2nd, review the training material; 3rd, seek help from one of the three available designers depending on their specialty;  4th, call the software company help desk; 5th, come to me, his manager, to both alert me and to ask for additional support. 

He followed the new process and his performance and attitude improved - problem solved.  Yet, I'm not sure what the main cause of his problem was.   Might much of the help come by being understood, valued, helped, and restored to a fully engaging group member - the Hawthorne effect?  We learned a lesson together - I became both a better person and manager in those few weeks.

Those attending the only church in town will learn that God listens to prayers and requests even though he knows about all situations in advance.  For those who are right with Him, He will either fulfill the request or give in accordance to His will.  His will is supremely better and right in His timing.  He cares for us, His creatures, and has plans for both this life and our eternity to follow - scripture says so.

Just for today...

". . . answers came not from books, but from mutual caring and thinking out loud with someone you felt comfortable with."  One Day at a Time (p. 349)

"If I'm not careful, I overwhelm myself with all the various things I could change and I become paralyzed by inaction. It helps to pray for knowledge of exactly what God wants me to change at any given moment."  Hope for Today (p. 349)

Thursday, December 7, 2023

December 7th - If your code is to "seek pleasure" - what will likely happen?

The story...

I've tried to make myself feel better by eating more, recreating a pleasant place in time, replacing something I own with something better, or even working towards a goal on my Apple watch.  I expect there are many similar, yet peculiar to you, things that you might add to your list.

Watch this YouTube video at your own risk - ain't giving you the link

When I'm seeking pleasure to make me feel better, I know my relationship with God isn't right - sin has crept into my life once again.  I know this is true about me when I kneel down to pray in quiet meditation.  My desires for pleasure melt away and I begin again to experience: love joy, peace patience, kindliness, goodness, gentleness and self control - fruit of the Spirit of God.

The only church in town will preach, teach, and work out God's Way for living the good life - its not characterized by self-actualizing and seeking pleasure.  Walking honestly and humbly with your righteous God is the best place to be but an unrighteous man like me can't do it on his own.  I'm with Him in Christ - it requires your belief in Him and His provision for you in Christ. 

Just for today...

"I used to think that being good to myself meant eating whatever I wanted, buying anything that caught my eye, sleeping only a few hours a night, and avoiding any activities that weren't fun or exciting. The trouble was that consequences were very uncomfortable, and when I let myself think about it, I felt I was wasting my life."  Courage to Change (p. 342)

"Speak your truth quietly and clearly; listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they, too, have their story."  One Day at a Time (p. 342)

"Serenity is the sure knowledge of God's unconditional love for me. It is an acceptance of myself that flows from God's approving embrace."  Hope for Today (p. 342)

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

November 22nd - Rightly related to God?

The story...

I prefer a day: waking up at a consistent time thankfully with prayer; planning for and doing good; being honest with reality; loving me and others; exercising my body and mind - strengthening each; saying yes; meditating without thinking about the clock; dispatching potentially obsessive thinking within five minutes; tuning into my spiritual radio - albeit the station has much static; giving - being kind and receiving kindness; feeding my body and my soul too; seeking to understand before being understood; walking forward on my pilgrimage alongside close friends who're near; and being the person who God created and wills me to be.  Yet, my free will chooses to do differently each day.  Why?

My noble motives for behaving differently, even in the opposite direction, include my: need to be safe from harm; personal protection boundaries; scarcity of resources; American dream of the good life; acceptance by others; need to fix, manage, and control other people towards my vision of their good; avoiding fears from the past, present, and future; desire to receive good grades from the judge(s); escape from unfavorable circumstances; pain avoidance; telling of my good life story; loyalty to my family; and my justifications for the way things are - "justified."

I expect that the first paragraph is about my being rightly related to God and the second paragraph is about self protection and promotion.  The first paragraph was possible because my unholy self nature was judged, found wanting, yet redeemed and reconciled with God, sin debt paid for, by God Himself in Christ - "I'm with Him."  My part was believing on God and His great redemptive work in Christ.

The second paragraph characterizes me working out life by me and for me.  Thankfully, my conscience and the Spirit of God convicts me of this wrong way of being before I cause too much harm.  He restores me daily in a loving way.  My life seems to be a continuing cycles of restoration that're heading in a good direction - like we might expect a loving Father to perform for those who are His.

The PDCA model is good - yet, different - standardizing & sustaining change

The only church in town will learn and know that they can respond to His calling and be His.  They'll find fellow pilgrims to walk together with through life's circumstances.  Yes, a continuing series of restorative cycles that strengthen our need for receiving love from our heavenly Father - that kind of love is infectious - It can't stay still.  Love spreads far and wide - shining Light everywhere.

Just for today...

"Half an hour's meditation is essential except when you are very busy. Then a full hour is necessary.Francis de Sales

"First I need to develop a relationship with God . . . Next, I learn to become at peace with myself . . .  I can't be that person when I'm overly controlled by guilt, fear, and resentment and negligibly aware of my gifts and talents . . . Lastly, I start acting responsibly toward others."  Hope for Today (p. 326)

"...conflicting views become merely different views, so our problems can be solved with tolerant understanding and mutual respect."  One Day at a Time (p. 326)

Thursday, November 16, 2023

November 16th - God help me!

The story...

When my soul ached with hurt, pain, and sadness.  The kind of pressure that slowly built up until it felt like a balloon, under pressure - it had to be released before it might burst.  I learned that I sometimes needed to express my pain, strong emotions, and request for relief aloud - I mean really loud.   This meant that I needed to be alone in the house, deep in the woods on a hike, or even by myself at the end of our pier that juts out into Lake Michigan.  I let my pain rip and prayed earnestly, and loudly, for resolution, grace, mercy, justice, or healing.  My outward expression of my inner condition seemed right and good - the crying out often left me feeling more peaceful, content and thankful.

The only church in town will cry out to the Lord in times of distress and need - scripture says He hears and has the power to act according to what is best for each person and community too (Psalms 119:169; 142:1; Matthew 20:30; Acts 7:60; and Hebrews 5:7).  He wants us to pray even though He doesn't really need us to - it's something about our relationship.  The only church in town will cry out in thankfulness and praise as they see God's faithfulness and love worked out.

Just for today...

"It seems strange, when I think of it, that God is most vivid to my consciousness when I am in the depths of despair, and all I can say to Him is: 'God help me!'"  One Day at a Time (p. 319)

"You pray in your distress and in your need; would that you might pray also in the fulness of your joy.Kahlil Gibran: The Prophet

Friday, October 27, 2023

October 27th - Be quiet and tune into what's really going on

The story...

In group prayer, I've often found myself thinking about my turn to pray and what was the best thing for me to share.  Some people's prayers were helpful and others weren't according to my ideas of what prayer should be.  Recently, I began both resting in prayer groups and quieting my mind - sometimes I don't pray at all.  Other times I'm more attentive to the Spirit of God working His way out through another person's prayers that previously seemed odd or "off the mark."  The change has been good for me and maybe the groups too.

Scripture says that the Holy Spirit indwells and works out through the life of believers who're right with God in Christ.  Therefore, He's present and speaking amongst many of those within the group - silently and sometimes in words.  I expect that the full group is strengthened when acknowledging and tuning into the presence of God within their midst. 

Be quiet and tune into what's really going on.

The only church in town will be filled with the Holy Spirit - indwelling those who are trusting in Christ.  Even though our bodies don't have sensors to clearly perceive the spiritual realities that are present and working - they're there.

Just for today...

"I often feel closest to God when I hear others share about how well God has taken care of them. Today I try to remember that there is enough love for us all."  Courage to Change (p. 301)

"I will remind myself that the only vital thing is to apply what I have learned - to make it work for me in all the happenings of my daily life . . . keep hands off what is truly none of my business."  One Day at a Time (p. 301)

September 18th - The value of "we" in community

The story... My four siblings and I lived closely together.  Each family member seemed to provide something that other family members lacked...