The story...
The scene was from the risers in my seventh-grade choir room. The leader said: "Rommel, you don't sing as good as you think you do." I was crushed and have generally avoided public singing since then. I don't recall ever hearing a recording of my singing. I do sing praise and worship songs in church and sing along to the songs I like.
There was a day I sang, "a Capella", in front of a large group of people. I sang part of Neil Young's "Love is a Rose" at my daughter's wedding. Sure, I planned and practiced what I'd say and sing. Yet, I sang somewhat naturally from a heart that was spilling over with love for my daughter and her marriage. She grew to be independent, capable, and developed many friendships. Now she was committing to live her life out with a very good man. It was joyful day. Our friendship continues to grow as we share more of the reality of our true selves and our life stories.
It's an only church in town dream where everybody's praising and worshipping together. Praising God for what He has done and worshipping Him for Who He is. Yes, everybody singing with all they've got!
Just for today...
"Sing a Song" Julie Andrews and the Muppets (1980)
"Wonderful things can happen today because I welcome the thrill of participating in my own life." Courage to Change (p. 70)
"Sing for joy; Anxiety flees - Love us both; Joy abounds." Am I a Poet?
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