Friday, December 8, 2023

December 8th - "I thought you wanted to be an Uber driver?"

The story...

A friend of mine took on an Uber-driver job to earn some extra cash.  He earned the cash, yet more importantly, he expanded his knowledge of people, possibilities, and developed a propensity toward doing rather than merely pontificating and opinionating.  His personal growth from serving and respectfully communicating with a large variety of people was transforming.  Based on his success, I asked the Uber drivers who served me if they experienced similar benefits - they all did.  So, why don't I do the same with some of my open time as a retired engineer/teacher?

Yes, the Uber job seems to be a good fit for me.  I enjoy conversing with, caring for, and learning from other people.  And, I expect that the job would support my values: humility, service, respect, kindness...  I've the time available and I enjoy being with people.  If a friend asked me to drive them somewhere, I'd be happy and pleased to drive them.  So, I've decided to do it.  Yet, my car wasn't a good fit.  So, I ordered a 2024 Ford Maverick hybrid as a first step - the choice delayed my decision.  Strangely, the demand being far greater than supply resulted in my waiting for about two years for my small pickup truck.  My excuse for doing nothing was gone.  Will I find another excuse not to do this good thing?

Recently, I asked friends of mine if they thought that it would be okay for me to buy a "gaming" computer - I offered my justification.  All of them said that it seemed like a good idea, with caution, and only one challenged me: "This sounds like you might be isolating during that computer gaming time, I thought you were planning to serve and grow, in a humble way, as an Uber driver."  What a good friend - yes, we all need good friends.  I plan on starting Uber driving in March 2024 with my 2024 Ford Maverick - I'm motivated and excited about the possibilities.  Who knows what might happen?

The only church in town will offer "the" good reason to live, the best way to live, friendships and ways to work out faith in service.  Like my Uber choice, why not engage in your church community now?

Just for today...

"Am I heaping up resentments, excuses, and regrets that have the potential to destroy me?  I don't have to be buried under them before I address my own problems. I can begin today."   Courage to Change (p. 343)

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