Monday, November 27, 2023

November 27 - Top 10 Reasons I'm Thankful

The story...

I'm so thankful to be thankful because I am thankful.

Here are my top ten reasons for being thankful:

  1. God's word that confirms I'm right with God due to faith in Christ's redeeming work alone.
  2. Each breath I breath - to be alive.
  3. My life partner who promised to stick with, and love me, no matter what.
  4. Family members who I share life and love with.
  5. Ability to receive, understand, store, recall and apply knowledge.
  6. Close friends with whom I walk through life towards a common aim.
  7. A warm, comfortable, safe home within the security of the USA.
  8. Mobility to go where I want to go and care for myself.
  9. Wise, "Yes," choices that help me grow and be.
  10. Medical system that enables me to be active and relatively pain free.

The only church in town will teach, preach, and proclaim good reasons for being thankful.  In a community, there will be circumstances where the comforts of this life don't seem within reach.  Yet, their souls often sing with joy - faith worked our it reality.  Community living like this should have been in my top ten list - I wonder where I should have inserted it and what it would have replaced?

Just for today...

"If I so choose, I can regard everything that happens in my life as a gift from which I can learn and grow."  Courage to Change (p. 332)

Were you looking for someone who meets your needs yet expects little of you?  That's a pet - like a dog.

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