The story...
Years ago, a young energetic man, who was new to our church community, invited me to play volleyball with a group of "our people" at the local beach. I was part of the larger community for years and was surprised at such an enthusiastic invitation. I don't imagine that I would've attended my first meeting by way of a general community invitation. The invitation seemed sincere - he seemed to really want me to join them. What a wonderful summer group activity it was for 3 or 4 years - it ended with a knee problem and the group eventually did move on as most groups do.
I need to be invited yet may reject the invitation. How might we invite while minimizing the awkwardness of rejection? I found this article 10 Ways to To Ask Someone To Hang Out (Without Being Awkward) helpful.
Will people need to be personally invited to engage within the only church in town? Yes.
Just for today...
"Detachment is essential to any healthy relationship between people. Each of us is a free individual, with neither one in control of the other." One Day at a Time (p. 54)
"Even as a child, I had grown up responsibilities, so it is no wonder that I grew up to be a caretaker. It seemed so comfortable, so automatic to think of others first and to give myself completely to whatever crisis was at hand without a thought for myself. I no longer do things for others that they could do for themselves." Courage to Change (p. 54)
"We're mutual detached; Free to grow - Being ourselves; Each living it." Am I a Poet?