Saturday, March 2, 2024

March 2nd - The missing piece

The story...

It's fun to build jigsaw puzzles with friends.  Each of us has are own way of doing it; yet, we all contribute towards the same aim - to complete the puzzle.  If you look closely, you'll see that there's one piece missing.

Thank you Teddy Roosevelt for saving our National Parks.

Frequently there's one piece missing.  Where do those lost pieces go?  You may be thinking that they go to the same place where lost socks go.  So, is the puzzle complete?  Did we fail?  Must we throw it away so that this outcome doesn't reoccur?  I'm leaving you with these questions.  You know your answers and the related questions.

How does this relate to the only church in town?  The pieces of the group continuously change.  It seems, there will always be at least one missing piece.  Yet, the group is uniquely wonderful when we're all being ourselves in Christ - focused on our North Star - That Than Which There is No Greater!

Just for today...

"Someone said, 'I wasn't born this way; I learned.' When I heard that, I felt more hope than I had ever experienced."  Hope for Today (p. 62)

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