Friday, January 24, 2025

January 24th - Do you look at your car manual - is it the right manual?

The story...

Our '22 Subaru's car manuals are at least 3" thick.  I've looked at them a few times - they're helpful.  Normally, I'll go to a search engine to find: my windshield wiper lengths, the right light bulb, or how to replace the cabin air filter.  Yet, sometimes I need to learn about the car and I'm not really sure what to ask.  Then, I go to the manual to learn about the car - often I'm surprised of what I didn't know or ask.

Once upon a time,  I purchased a new dishwasher and installed it myself.  I actually gathered the family and we took turns reading the manual.  We actually learned what all the buttons did and how to most efficiently, and effectively, load the dishwasher.  It was such an odd thing to do, as a family, that most of us still remember the day we learned about the dishwasher.  I still load the dishwasher the same way that we learned that day.

Are we so self reliant that we don't need to learn from anyone else - even the designers and manufacturers of the products that we purchased to serve us?  Our bodies didn't come with a manual and much of the stuff inside me remains a mystery to me.  I don't even know the vocabulary for most of my inner parts let alone how they actually function and interact.  It seems that some of us don't like to be taught anything unless we're forced to.

The totality of this blog is as thick as my Subaru manuals.  What'll I do with the completed book?  Will I print it to sit on a table at my memorial service unread?  Is my manual so different than everyone else's that it won't be applicable?  The writing process and results have certainly been helpful and joyful for me - it's helped me to be more grounded in reality.

The only church in town will study and apply the manual for living out a good and righteous life.  I've learned that the manual writers were directed to write according to the Creator's wishes.  He wishes that we know enough about Him, and what's going on inside of us, to seek, trust and be rightly related to Him.  Why?  So that we can be free from the penalty and power of sin, bear fruit, enjoy loving relationships, and live out a right relationship with God throughout our days under the sun; "now and forevermore."

Just for today...

"I will dare to be myself . . . I will be honest with myself as I do so - I will not pretend to feel what I do not feel or to want what I do not want . . . I can only learn to love myself if I am willing to learn who I am."  Courage to Change (p. 24)

Thursday, January 23, 2025

January 23rd - Reality seen by the light of sun and Son

The story...

My lower-back pain, caused by pinched nerves and sore muscles, has been real and personal.  The pain taught me to behave in a way that I "think" works for me.  I feel the results and compensate in a manner that I expect best relives the discomfort while allowing me to do what I want to do.  Yet, sometimes a muscle will be sore from my stretching, exercising, or doing what I do - then I tend to stop and wait to feel better. 

When my routine doesn't work anymore - I ask a doctor for help.  They may perform an MRI to observe the hidden reality.  They show me the amount of spinal stenosis, disc bulging and protrusion, positioning, arthritis formations, damaged parts, and joint wear that naturally occur over time.

Ideal spinal alignment & posture

In January 2024, my back surgeon recommended that I try epidural shots and physical therapy to help restore me to active duty.  I was hopeful for the shots but had little hope for the therapy.  I was discouraged - I wanted the surgeon to just fix me and restore me to "normal."

My physical therapist spoke a new reality to me from different perspectives.  She coached and encouraged me to change my routine, habits, and understanding of how my body actually works.  She shinned new light on the reality of my body, routines, habits, and physical condition.  I trusted her.

I expect that we'd all agree that self reflection at the beginning of our morning and at the end of the day would be good for us.  It's likely that we'd also agree that looking at our lives from different perspectives would help too.  Imagining a reality, that's different then what's actually going on, might provide some temporary mental comfort; yet, reality wins in the end.

Self reflection and a desire to know and understand reality is a wonderful human capability that we can choose to exercise or ignore.  The only church in town will encourage you to see reality from multiple perspectives within community and more importantly from the "Light" of  God - our creator.

Just for today...

"I choose to accept the reality of my life. I am moving in a healthy direction, growing ever more able to live a good life and to love those I meet along the way."  Courage to Change (p. 23)

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

January 22nd - My favorite old pants...

The story...

Meet my favorite pants.  They're old, frayed, stained, fit right, sturdy, unlabeled, and drab.  I can do most anything wearing these pants; though, they aren't welcome where people expect me to "dress for the occasion."  I've purchased replacements; but, they didn't seem the same.  I like that old and familiar heavyweight-duck-canvas cotton and the stains and frays too.

Will there come a day when I must get rid of the pants?  We all know the answer although I sometimes pretend otherwise.

I wonder where my old pants will go today?  Will I put them in the Aquatic Center locker to wait while I swim?  Will they participate in replacing the faucet and trying again to fix the Impala's power seats? Will I put a nicer shirt on and wear them to my men's group tonight?  Will I hang them up next to my dress pants - NO!  They don't have to look nice - I like 'em just the way they are.

You may feel a need to dress up, to be a better version of yourself, when you attend the only church in town.  Yet, God is graceful and desires a relationship with you just as you are - humble, honest, okay and unpretentious.  Remember, He is the one Who created you as you are.  He makes no mistakes and has offered the way to atone for your sin defects through our Lord Jesus the Christ's sacrifice.

No, I likely will not actually wear these pants to a Sunday Morning Service.  And, I do enjoy cleaning up and wearing pants with fewer defects when worshipping, praising, learning, and fellowshipping together.  Yet, it sure is great to know that I'm loved by Him - just as I am.

Just for today...

"What we pray for may not be what is best for us. We are only able to see a little way, and our vision is clouded by our present situation and daily happenings and distractions."  One Day at a Time (p. 22)

"I focused on the character defects of those around me. My need to be perfect fed into my preoccupation with others . . . I am still learning to treat myself with gentleness, kindness, and love. I'm still learning that I cannot change those around me, but I can change how I treat them - with dignity and respect."  Hope for Today (p. 22)

"When I found him on the floor, I still didn't help him into bed. But I did put a blanket over him before stepping over his body and going to bed myself. This, to me, was detachment with love."  Courage to Change (p. 22)

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

January 21st - Who's your daddy?

The story...

Thankfully, my back surgeon recommended Celebrexepidural steroid injections and therapy, rather than surgery.  I hoped to return my body to a more normal "I can go an do what I want to" state.   The Celebrex worked as expected, the injection process was relatively easy with questionable benefits, and the therapy was a real surprise.

"What physical therapist would you recommend in my home town?"  They didn't have a recommendation - they gave me a prescription for either four or six weeks and said we'll meet again in four months.  I took a look at the therapy room in the Aquatic Center, where I'd been swimming for about two months, and scheduled an appointment with the only therapist there.  

After meeting with the young-woman therapist for two weeks, my interactions and results surpassed my expectations.  I didn't choose her, I chose the location and facility.  I trusted her and did, pretty much, everything she told me to do.  "We" worked on limitations that affected me throughout most of my life.  I was so optimistic - "Yahoo!"

If I were to have selected a therapist from a candidate lineup, I likely wouldn't have selected her.  I might've looked at age, sex, height, personality, education, experience...   I'm so thankful that I came in with a need, was honest in every interaction, sought to understand before being understood, listened to her diagnosis rather than my own related thoughts, and trusted her.  Yes, I didn't want to be naive; so I tested her a couple of times and each time her response confirmed that she was capable and had my best interest at heart.  She's a human with limited understanding but I relied on her to get better.  She sought to understand me better and set expectations of a sustainable solution that might work with my habits, preferences, life style, and hopes for the future.

Whose your daddy?

I especially liked her direct style of communication and therapy interventions during our 1/2 hour appointments.  She appeared to be committed to helping me regardless of my responses and peculiarities.  I'm so... thankful for her.  Maybe, when I grow up, I can be more like her? 😊

The only church in town's object of faith will be their Messiah, their Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ whose great sacrificial work provides the way to a righteous relationship with God our Creator and Redeemer.  There's a lot packed into that sentence.  Why not go to the only church in town and learn more about what's really going on within the rest of your life and eternity too?

Just for today...

"It is only by taking offense at what others do that I will be afflicted with resentment. If I feel that what I am doing is right, I will not be dependent on the admiration or applause of others."  One Day at a Time (p. 21)

"I could never tell the difference between what was and was not my business. I felt I had to take care of everyone around me until I couldn't stand it any more."  Courage to Change (p. 21)

Monday, January 20, 2025

January 20th - Do I unconsciously hurt myself?

The story...

I was driving home from work and saw a boy crash his bike rather badly on the sidewalk.  I felt a strong need to stop and help him but I didn't.  Strangely, my conscience stung and my inner-man hurt by not coming to the aide of another person who was hurting.  In what other ways might I be unconsciously hurting myself?  

When I obsessively think - I hurt myself.   When I neglect to tell another what's on my heart - I hurt myself.  When I'm so comfortable with what I already know, or believe, to the point of no longer being curious - I hurt myself.  When I ignore a person who looks my way - I hurt myself.  When I stay in my La-Z-Boy recliner instead of going and doing - I hurt myself.  When I don't listen to understand those who might help my physical or mental health - I hurt myself.  When I develop routines and a schedule that doesn't allow for me to care for others  - I hurt myself.  When I neglect relationships - I hurt myself.  When I ask for seconds on a food serving that'll likely contribute to poorer health - I hurt myself.  When I'm not thankful and content - I hurt myself.  When I don't love me or my neighbor - I hurt myself.  When I'm not quiet and listening within my relationship with God in Christ - I hurt myself.  When I'm not truthful about me - I hurt myself.

So, why do I hurt myself?  The cause is likely something to do with my being a self-centered pleasure seeker by nature.  Yes, I hurt myself when I indulge in my self-focused promotion and selfishness.  The only church in town will share God's solution that promises real freedom from the tyrannical leadership of self - they call it the Gospel truth.  

Just for today...

"I cannot hurt others without hurting myself."  One Day at a Time (p. 20)

"Anger is the punishment we give ourselves for someone else’s mistake.”  Unknown

"It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery."  Galatians 5:1 (NASB)

Sunday, January 19, 2025

January 19th - Virtual bars of guilt and shame

The story...

When I was little guy hanging onto my mother's dress in the grocery store, I was tempted to take a piece of penny candy from one of those huge bins.  One day I made the decision, let go of my momma's dress, looked around, picked up the candy, stuffed it in my pocket, and sweated through the long checkout line.  This is the first deliberate sin that I remember.  I felt guilt and shame - it certainly didn't end there.

Where's the record of the good and bad that I'm responsible for?  God is all knowing; the government keeps a record; the old performance reviews are archived or trashed; some people have a fuzzy sense of opinion along with memories of a few critical incidents; yet, most of it remains within my own psyche.  Some memories might trigger needed forgiveness and restoration; yet, most of them are self imposed guilt and shame that's rotting somewhere within the back of my mind.  Might the joke be on us for holding on, suppressing, reinterpreting, or periodically magnifying the bad parts of us?

The only church in town will preach and teach that sin is a significant barrier between us and God.  In fact, His Word says that we can't have a right relationship with Him due to our sin.  Worse yet, there's nothing we can do about it - we were born that way.  We must be reborn spiritually - old man dead and our new man positioned "in Christ."  This "Good News" is good because God provided the way to be restored both for this life and for all eternity too - true freedom from the penalty of sin.  He did the heavy lifting - we need to believe Him, trust Him, and live that truly good life in Christ.

Just for today...

"I used to live in my own little prison, locked in by my feelings of hatred and shame. Now I'm free."  Hope for Today (p. 19)

"Today I seek to become a little more accepting of myself, a little more comfortable in my own skin . . . I will remember to be gentle with myself today, trusting that the healing will come." Courage to Change (p. 19)

"Now there was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews; this man came to Jesus at night and said to Him, “Rabbi, we know that You have come from God as a teacher; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.” Jesus responded and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless someone is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”  John 3:1-3 (NASB)

Saturday, January 18, 2025

January 18th - A peaceful life

The story...

Yesterday was an odd day where I had few responsibilities, obligations, pains, or unmet obligations.  The weather was beautiful, the house was warm and I was well fed - I felt loved too.  I guess you could characterize my day as peaceful yet I know that most of the days ahead won't be like that.  Even within those good conditions, I knew that there would be a storm on the horizon.

What are the ingredients of peacefulness?  Maybe I'd be peaceful if: all those within my circle of concern are without need; my favorite sports teams are all successful; the weather is "good;" my investments are valued close to their all-time highs, my health is within the top 10% for my age group; the other government parties don't have too much power; there's nothing I need to fix; my work is admired; people let me know that they love me; and my pastor is what he preaches - an example of imputed righteousness worked out in word and deed.  That ain't all going to happen.  Must we disengage and isolate from the world to sense ongoing peacefulness?

The only church in town will share what God revealed to and through the Apostle Paul as he wrote about the actualities of his life from prison.  He enjoyed a gift of peace from the Spirit of God - a sort of peace that permeates your being from a source that's God himself.  The Spirit of God works through those who are righteous in God's sight - a righteousness that only God Himself can provide through faith in Christ.

Praise God, be thankful, walk humbly, love your neighbor as yourself, and live peacefully my friend.  Peace can be found walking humbly with God, your Father "Abba," in Christ.

Just for today...

"I had never experienced a peaceful way of life. With myself, I was constantly fighting against the guilt, fear, and anger that ruled my life. With others, I was always fighting for some cause or belief, trying to make them see that my position was the right one. Of course I never won, and the wars never ceased."  Hope for Today (p. 18)

Friday, January 17, 2025

January 17th - Working out life from a new tool box...

 The story...

Long ago over dinner in Bethel Maine, a woman from Xerox gave me advice - it stuck.  I've shared this advice with 100's of people and I don't even remember her name.  Everybody seemed to understand the advice and its application too.  I'd recently been promoted from engineer to engineering manager.  She explained the difference between the two tool boxes that I had at my disposal.  The old set that served me well and the new set that I'd need to better "lead" and "manage" the group.  Surely, it was wise to oil, and occasionally apply, the tools in the old box; yet, the new set must be developed and augmented to leverage the group towards...

I tried leading this group long ago - thank you "Murray House" 

Strangely, I sense a need to cleanup and change the tool box that I've been using for the last ten years.  Here are seven tools that I think I need to add or dust off, oil, and use more frequently:  

  • "Bigger" EarsListen to others without opinion or thoughts of fixing, managing, or controlling.
  • Get Out the Door: Move from thinking about to doing more readily - take that first step.
  • ThankfulnessWithin my prayers, activities, & relationships - on both "Light" & "Dark" days.
  • Exercise & StretchEnable my body to go where He and I will to go...
  • Invest:  Build up others & thoughtfully transfer what I have to 'em too.
  • Keep the End in Mind - Be eternally focused and earthly good too.
  • Honest in Self Assessment: Remain humble - focused on the glory of God.
The only church needs you to work out your life with 'em.  You need 'em too even though it may currently be a latent need.  Bring your toolbox and be ready to work out your life with 'em.  Once there, you may find the need to add a tool, pick up an old tool, or replace your tool box with a new one that...

Just for today...

"I will make myself learn to use a new set of tools: tolerance, kindness, patience, courtesy, love and humor - and a firm determination to do what is necessary to improve my life."  One Day at a Time (p. 17)

"I often restrain myself for fear that others will misunderstand and criticize me."  Hope for Today (p. 17)

Thursday, January 16, 2025

January 16th - Doing the right thing according to what's right

The story...

The snow was deep, the temperature was cold, and I counted 18 deer outside my house - I'd seen more.  They seem to be eating many plants that they didn't eat in the past - they're hungry.  They're reaching higher on the bushes and even nibbling on the Myrtle ground cover.  I was told that the neighbor who fed the deer died within the last year.  The person who told me about her death also shared that the DNR notified her that she had to stop feeding them a few months before she died.  

There are reasons for not feeding the deer and the DNR was right for enforcing the law; yet, the problem remains.  Years ago, I chose to stop getting angry at deer for eating or people for feeding.  Being angry seems to just leave you angry with damage to your heart both literally and figuratively.  Who wants to be an angry man?  I could nag at the authorities, complain along with my neighbors, shoosh the deer away each time they threaten my landscape...   I don't know what's best for the deer over-population situation and don't plan on developing my own personal opinion that I'll defend against all others.  As a citizen of my Township, I did discuss the situation with authorities, learn about available solutions, and found out what deer control plans were underway.

Our neighborhood deer on a better day

I'm glad I took the time to "Think" about the deer problem today.  The course of action that I've decided upon seems reasonable and right according to the principles that I live by - the type that seems to define us.  The only church in town will live by principles revealed within the Word of God - they were established by the One who created the earth, the cold, the deer, and me too.  I plan on living my life out according to those principles alongside my neighbors within the only church in town.

Just for today...

". . .  when my opinion about another person's business has not been requested, I take the time to "Think" before getting involved."  Courage to Change (p. 16)

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

January 15th - Protecting from bad news by worrying in advance? Really?

The story...

There's a news show on TV and people I care about are watching and kind of listening to it.  The broadcaster is tainting the news coverage in a way that seems partial and unfair to me.  I quickly interrupt the coverage, from another room, to bring attention to the bias so that they won't be misguided and swayed to think like the crowd.  I certainly don't want to have future arguments with them or to "allow" them to live a life clouded with partial truths and popular opinion guiding their thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs.  Might my underlying motive be to push them toward thinking more like me? 

My actions do suggest that they aren't capable of living out, or interpreting, their lives without me.  I expect that they know this and they often hear my interfering voice as a clanging gong or loud droning sound that they wish would respectfully let them be - to think and live on their own.  I might be exaggerating to make the blog more interesting; however, I know it's true and want to change.

Are you trying to get somebody to behave in a way to help you?  If so, that should be a glaring red "stop" light.

Within the only church in town, there'll be popular opinion and campaigns to push congregants to agree with...   A primary function of the church is to clearly preach, teach, and work out the Word of God into the actualities of each person's life.  Other times, there will be "righteous" noises that divide, drive strong emotions, and end up with more guarded, separated, and lonelier people.  When that becomes more the norm, it seems that their ears and hearts might not be as open to receive the Word of God - that'd be tragic.

Just for today...

"I was busy projecting a horrible outcome to my loved one's crisis and dreading the ways in which the consequences might affect me . . . Part of me gambles that by worrying in advance, bad news will be easier to face if it comes.  But worrying will not protect me from the future."  Courage to Change (p. 15)

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

January 14th - The palette of my psyche focused on the object of my faith...

The story...

The idea for this blog, written for 365 consecutive days, occurred in January 2023. It "popped" into my psyche as I was driving to church with the woman whom I love.  It also occurred to me that I could do this . . . yes, me.  Writing a chunk of my life story, making sense of it, applying good life principles and practices, and then discussing how they might work their way out within a hypothetical "only church in town." "I've benefited greatly from daily readers. This is a really good idea.  I think I'll recommend this for..."  

Yes, an idea had fully developed into a worthy life-giving and life-altering whole thing within the palette of my psyche.  It appeared to be helpful for both me and those within my circle of concern.  I had the resources and the capability to carry it out - it was clearly doable.  Yet, 365 consecutive days was too much to hope for - surely I'd run out of story and find myself staring at a blank screen.  I'm so thankful that I shared my idea with the close friend, who I originally thought might be capable of working out this undertaking, and he encouraged me to get started.  Then, I shared the idea with a group of supporting guys and they also encouraged me to work this worthy endeavor into reality.  So, I took the first step and began my journey.  I'm so... thankful that my friends encouraged me to make the decision to move forward - step by step.

Artist's Palette (U.S. National Park Service)

What if I fail?   I will to replace my "what ifs" with  "even ifs."   It does take faith to live out that good life that we long for yet my hope is anchored within the promises of That Than Which There is No Greater.

The only church in town will share how God provided a way for His creatures to become right with Himself - our most holy, righteous and loving Father.  Christ, and His great atoning sacrificial work, will be the object of their faith  And, the grace that each receives will be worked out together within each of their pilgrimages toward that celestial city.  

Just for today...

"By letting go of this battle we were sure to lose, we became free." Courage to Change (p. 14)

"If I was hurtful, and I make excuses to myself for what I did, I am building a second wall between me and the person I injured. Let me tear the first wall down by being honest and honestly acknowledging my fault."  One Day at a Time (p. 14)

Monday, January 13, 2025

January 13th - "He wept"

The story...

During 2023/2024, my best friend and I studied, a book called "John" as part of a larger group.  John's the author of the book and, arguably, the best friend of the Man he's writing about.  John tells the Man's story in a way that only a best friend, and eye witness, could.  The protagonist of the story's mother was Mary and His father is claimed to be God Himself.  Yes, He claimed, and provided evidence, that God was His Father.  The Man, John wrote about, is referred to by many names; strangely, no one name seems to capture all of who He was and is.  In chapter 11, the Man is walking with His close friends toward a town called Bethany.  He's going to see two sisters and their brother - John says the Man loved the three.  The women's brother died and they were filled with grief.  They believed this Man's father was God himself, and hoped that He would heal their brother.  When He witnesses grief emoting from the women, John says "He wept."

I can related to this story - intellectually and emotionally.  The day I spoke at my mother's memorial service "I wept."  I continued to weep, at unexpected times, for week(s) - I loved my momma so... much.

The only church in town will share how this man, Lazarus, was raised from the dead just a few months before his Savior's blood was shed, body buried, and body resurrected by His own power.   Strangely and wonderfully, scripture confirms that we can be spiritually co-crucified, and co-risen from the dead to live rightly with God, in Christ, now and forever.   Man, that's good news!  Hey, why not read this book of John today?

Today, I stand thankful for my faith in Christ and for the love of my momma.

Just for today...

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me."  Revelation 3:20 (NASB)

"Do I secretly relish feeling sorry for myself and want sympathy from others?"  One Day at a Time (p. 13)

"Once upon a time I was afraid to live life for myself. This was because I did not know how to do it and thought that there was no one to show me."  Courage to Change (p. 13)

Sunday, January 12, 2025

January 12th - Oh.. to see more clearly - what's going on?

The story...

My mother told me so many stories that motivated me to be more curious, adventurous, and a story teller too.  The week before she passed on to eternity, we talked about the adventure that she was about to embark on.  She was about to travel from this life to the next - leave this world and body behind and travel to...  The adventure would be greater than being stuck on the top of a rocket ship that eventually would land her on the moon.  Her eyes displayed wonder and her smile seemed to display hope and joy.  My momma went on that adventure a few days later.  Wow . . . she knows the rest of the story.

SpaceX - Falcon 9 rocket

I expect that we'd disrupt this life, and take away some of the important experiences and meaning, if we knew what was going to happen today, tomorrow, or during the years we have left on this orb.  I wonder how important our life on this earth will be for the eternity to come?  I'm glad my momma passed on a curious nature to me. 

The only church in town will share what God's revealed about the future - enough to give us hope while living out our part in this epic story of life.  Yet, He doesn't reveal everything.  He says He wants us to live rightly and close to Him as we work out this life trusting in what He's revealed - walking through each day by faith in "That Than Which There is No Greater."

How about living for today, planning for tomorrow, and thinking on eternity already?  Oh . . . that we would read, ponder, share, and wonder while living out a purposeful life together in step with God. 

Just for today...

"I ask God to make me willing to see clearly my everyday experiences, to sharpen my perception of how much there is to enjoy, even in ordinary things and happenings. Let me be receptive. Restore to me my capacity for wonder."  One Day at a Time (p. 12)

"The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us..."  Deuteronomy 29:29 (NASB)

Saturday, January 11, 2025

January 11th - Accepted just as I am

The story...

Please read the welcoming statement that I delivered at my mother's memorial service.  The service was scheduled for Saturday, January 13th, at 2:00pm.

"Welcome to this service where we will be honoring and celebrating the life of our mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and friend.  Each of our relationships with her was different yet she significantly affected us all.  We’ll all have a chance to share our own experiences either within the service or with each other.  For me, a momma’s boy, she showed a loving sort of grace throughout all my comings and goings.  She was the only person, with skin on ‘em, that loved me no matter what.  Even when she didn’t like what I was doing or saying, I could get up close, smile, stare into her pupils, kiss her hand, and spread my arms out wide and she would drop her airs, smile and we were okay together.  I witnessed grace consistently, only from my momma.  I mean no disrespect to any of you who love me - it was just different with my Mother.  With everybody else, it’s been kind of conditional.  And today we’ll be praising God for the grace that was extended to my Momma, by God, through the great work of Christ when He shed his blood for the forgiveness of our sins that once separated us from God.  Her faith rested in God and not in herself - in the last years she prayed frequently for His help to endure a struggle like standing up from a chair.  That’s why I’m wearing this red tie - to remind us of the blood of Christ - the only reason I and you are right with God."

You can find unconditional love within the only church in town - throughout this life and infinity.

"To infinity and beyond!"

Just for today...

"I am accepted just as I am. I never have to pretend, or wear a mask over my feelings . . . In my new family, love is not a point system. I don't have to earn love from others - it's given freely as a gift."  Courage to Change (p. 11)

Friday, January 10, 2025

January 10th - Anchored in the present

The story...

Thankfully, I've learned the value of focusing on, and being more aware of, the present - where life actually occurs.  Our bodies sense what's going on now even though the cause of the sensation is likely rooted in the past.  We can read about God yet our spirit senses His Spirit in the present as He intervenes or as His Spirit interacts with our spirit as we quietly pray or meditate.  We've reasons to expect what will happen in the future yet each new day's unknown.  How many days have we ended the day thinking  "I never would have expected that?"  Yes, we'll all experience, and recall, each day together in different ways.  Oh... to be more in synch with others, listening, to grow our understanding of "what's going on?"

One day, I wrote what I planned to say at my Momma's memorial service. Almost all of my parent's descendants attended that memorial service.  Congregates were asked to focused on the past, and remember, some of who she was amongst them.  All had lost a relationship - a chunk of who they were and a partial cause of who'll they be.  Yes the "we" is valuable and and a more complete perceptive than the limited "me." 

I believe I spoke from my heart, displayed the love that I had for my momma; each and every family member; and for "That Than Which there is No Greater," our God, our Creator, our Savior.  Maybe we left the memorial service with a better understanding of the wonderfully different people within the "we" that makes up family.

When you walk through the doors of the only church in town, you'll have the opportunity to leave the distractions of the world, your community, your home, and the cares of the world outside.  There'll be opportunities to focus on the present - the spiritual reality that's true in the present and will exist throughout all eternity.  The congregation will be a wonderful "we" who share a common faith in our common Creator, Lord, and Savior.

Maybe there's a way to integrate "we" into a favorite motto for my living a good life?   "Live for today, plan for tomorrow and think on eternity."

Just for today...

"To break the cycle of worry and fear, I'm learning to focus all my attention on this very moment . . . These bits of reality help rescue me from "what ifs" and "should haves" by anchoring me in the present."  Courage to Change (p. 10)

Thursday, January 9, 2025

January 9th - Might we let others, within our circle(s) of concern, be?

The story...

If I could go back in time, how would I intervene, with the younger version of me, in order to avoid some of the trouble and brokenness that came my way in life?  I'm not sure if the advice of a meddlesome future me would've been wanted by me.  I might of told him to mind his own business and leave me alone to work out my own life.  If I'm not sure that I would want to "try" to change me, then why have I tried to fix, manage, and control other people within my own life?

Do I need all the people within my circle of concern to feel, and be, okay in order for me to be okay?  If so, I'll never be okay.  Am I responsible for the aims and choices of those people within my circle of concern?  Certainly not!  Is my need to share my life experiences a misplaced onus for desiring to control their lives so that I can feel better about me and my life?  Maybe...  

It would be great if the only church in town was your "ideal" church - it won't be.   Just go already and begin walking your life journey with other pilgrims - a better future, beyond your imagination, awaits.

Just for today...

"Once I was able to see my suffering as my own reaction to others, I could begin to identify my contribution to the problem. Sometimes my part is bringing up something that was better left unsaid, or starting a serious conversation at an inappropriate time. Other times my part is harboring unrealistic expectations. When I see my part in the pattern, I can choose a response other than suffering. There is no need for me to suffer because of the behavior of others."  Hope for Today (p. 9) 

"It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery."  Galatians 5:1 (NASB)

"But when the applause of others becomes the reason for my behavior and necessary for me to feel satisfied, then I have given them power over me."  Courage to Change (p. 9)

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

January 8th - Being quiet with God - "the" place to be

The story...

Oh... to be rightly related with God, enjoying who He is and expectantly listening for His direction through creation, other people, His revealed Word, fruit born through us, and through the Spirit of Christ too.  That's a good place to be.  I plan on being quiet today with open ears and an open heart.

The only church in town will share the reality of God; our Creator; and the extraordinary life pilgrimage and hope that we can enjoy in Christ.  We can leave the cares of the world aside, abide in Christ, and bear His fruit until we breathe that last breath and are separated from our earthly bodies (John 15:4).

Just for today...

"During my daily quiet time, I try to focus all my attention on God. When I take my problems to Him, I try to leave them there and keep my focus of attention on Him."  As We Understood (p. 196)

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

January 7th - Detaching from what others say - be

The story...

My mother didn't like the way my beard looked - for many years, I grew a beard during the fall and shaved it on my Mother's birthday in the spring.  Often when she saw my beard she'd almost automatically say something like: "You look like some kind of dummy with that on! . . . Why don't you shave that off? . . . You look so good without it, why in the world would you do something like that? . . .  Do you know what you look like?"  She may have delivered the same message in a more polite way like:  "If it's all the same with you, would you put on this "mask" so that you can be the person I imagine you to be?"

We all receive messages about us either directly or indirectly.  These messages can lead us to question or defend our imaginary self-image - the one we internalize and project to others.  In response, we may: deny the message and discredit the sender, seek out another who'll offer the praise that our "self" desires, sulk, fight, conform to the image that the "group" has of us, or we might pop our imaginary bubble and start over with a new self-image.

The only church in town will offer a new self image that's based on what, and who, God says we are and what we might be.  Surely, there will be some people who are acting out a "good" role and they might offer us a mask to "try" on so that we might conform to "their" image of what a Christian is.  I hope that we offer the mask givers grace yet trash the mask and act out our faith in reality - just the way we are. 

My mother passed away from this life in January 2024 and is now with her Savior and Lord. She loved and hoped the best for me - just the way I was.  I'm so thankful for the many ways she expressed her love to me throughout my first 65 years. I continue to praise God for her - I'm an orphan now but not on my own.

Just for today...

"I care enough about myself to take a quiet half hour to relax. But if a half hour is more than I can manage, I can let that be alright. Whatever time I give to myself will be a step forward. If I can stop the wheels from turning for even a few moments, God can take charge and steer me in the right direction."  Courage to Change (p. 7)

"Nothing can hurt me unless I allow it to. When I am pained by anything that happens outside of myself, it is not that thing which hurts me, but the way I think and feel about it . . . 'God teach me to detach my mind form what others say and do, except to draw helpful lessons and guidance from them.'"  One Day at a Time (p. 7)

Monday, January 6, 2025

January 6th - Who is the object of your faith?

The story...

The "Wizard of Oz" scared the bejeebies out of my as a kid.  Who in their right mind wouldn't react wildly if Dorthy's situation was an actuality?  Glinda, the good witch, doesn't seem to offer much consolation - seeing the situation today still triggers a version of that same reaction. Yeow!

Sure, she has a good reason to be alarmed.  The bad witch has expressed disdain and vile intent for what Dorothy's house did by falling on her sister.  The threat, to both her and her little dog too, appeared valid.  She would've been a fool to ignore the threat and the good witch's protection seemed well intentioned yet with limited protective power.  She had to begin, step by step, down the yellow brick road trusting the good witch's advise.  Thank goodness she found three friends along the road to share her journey.  Yet, their recommendation to trust, and seek out, the great Wizard of Oz was misplaced hope.

The only church in town will offer the Word of God's direction for developing a right relationship with God in Christ.  They'll share the path to begin on with friendship opportunities to walk with too.  Our Creator is sovereign and those who are His, in Christ, are within His protective power.  He will walk with us through life and bring us home with Him at the end of the path.

Just for today...

"...many of my difficulties were created by me, by my own reactions to the happenings in my daily life."  One Day at a Time (p. 6)

Sunday, January 5, 2025

January 5th - Close Friendships are Worthy - "muchness"

The story...
I've planned to meet a friend today in a coffee shop that bakes wonderfully large and tasty cookies.  The refillable-ceramic coffee mugs, throngs of people huddled closely together in conversation, and the big cookie, all feel like "muchness" to me.  "Muchness" is a British romantic word meaning greatness in quantity and degree - it's a really good word to me.

My friend will update me on the reality of his life and I'll have the opportunity to do the same.  I don't need to plan what I'm going to say - our relationship is big enough that we've many ways to build on it.  It sure helps to have a listening ear that seeks to understand both my message and me better - our past interactions have led me to believe that he truly has my best interest at heart.  When I tell a story that doesn't seemed to be aligned with who he knows me to be - he'll challenge me in a kind sort of way.  This close relationship thing is real good.  I'm not so naive to think that he's fully engaged in all my stories yet I know he wants to be.  We grow together as we share our stories - that's real good, and I value him and our relationship, greatly.

Clare Ansberry makes reasonable claims about the amount of time it takes to develop a close friendship within her 1/02/24, Wall Street Journal, article: "It Takes at Least 200 Hours to Make a Close Friendship, and More to Maintain It."  My personal experience suggests that her claims have face validity

The only church in town will offer opportunities to discover people who are similar enough to you that you might take the risk, and invest the 200+ hours, to develop a close friendship.  Expect the process to take years rather than weeks.  These relationship endeavors are worthy.  C.S. Lewis said in his book "The Four Loves:"  "Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.”   For me, close friends are a key part of the good life - the muchness.

Just for today...
"Am I trying to interfere with the natural consequences of a loved one's choices?  Am I trying to do for someone what they could do for themselves?"  Courage to Change (p. 5)

"Unless I am at peace with the child of God I am, I cannot love and help my neighbor. Regrets are vain. They can interfere with the good I could do today, the making of the better person."  One Day at a Time (p. 5)

Saturday, January 4, 2025

January 4th - My thinking propels me towards...

The story...

In 1983, I wanted a 1976, Volvo 240.  I researched, stared at the photos, imagined what it would be like to own one, and was convinced that it was the best possible car I could afford.  I sought it out and found it for sale from an ex-U of M football player.  I even ignored the guys wife asking: "do you like to work on cars?" The only part of the car that was good was my admiring how good my wife looked driving it home - that first day.

Where does my thinker want to send me?  My self-absorbed nature wants to take me towards comfort, praise, security, affirming group-think, competition, awards, legacy, pleasure, and admiration as I gaze into the mirror.  My spirit desires a loving and right relationship with my Creator, the giving and receiving of love from others, honest and open relationships with close friends, continuing growth within my community, and the fruit of the indwelling Spirit of God being born without my trying to produce them.  The different types of fruit from the Spirit may be found in Galatians 5:22-24.

A wise man knows where to go and how to get there.  First, he's gotta know where he is and what state is most desirable.  That means he's got to know what condition his condition is in.  He knows that he doesn't know what he doesn't know so he seeks the truth.  How will I know if and when my thinking patterns are aiming and propelling me to a destination where I don't wanna go?

The only church in town will introduce people to the Word of God and how they might develop a saving, active, and eternal loving relationship with their Creator, their Sustainer, in Christ.  God's Spirit will produce fruit within the lives of those who are His - the evidence of the "good life" that you may be unaware of, seeking or enjoying.  Why not come to God's table, enjoy the good stuff, and share it with others?  I hope that you don't try to satisfy yourself by merely hoping for it, reading about it, trying to do it on your own, or admiring it worked out within other people's lives.

Just for today...

"My own way of thinking deceives me. I can see but a little way."  One Day at a Time (p. 4)

"When I admit that my life is unmanageable, I don't admit that I am a bad person. In my attempts to maintain the delusion of exercising power where I am powerless, my life has become disorderly."  Hope for Today (p. 4)

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,"  Galatians 5:22-24 (NASB)

Friday, January 3, 2025

January 3rd - Cycles of continual improvement - growth

The story...

The nation of Israel's history may be characterized as continuing cycles of restoration to a right relationship with God, drifting away, realizing the lost and pain of separation, and reconciliation.  I've heard it said that this might be a good picture of a strengthening, growing, and lasting marriage too.  People's self-focused natures tend to pull them apart yet the marriage commitment can be strong enough to restore the relationship - over and over again.  Each restorative cycle can grow both marriage partners within their commitment to each other and to each of their relationships with God too.

I'm so thankful for my marriage partner and the personal growth that we've experienced both together and as individuals too.  Similarly, this kind of growth can happen within the only church in town -continual cycles of pain, love experienced, and restoration.  Yes, suffering, pain and brokenness often seem to be precursors, and necessary ingredients, for real and sustainable change cycles over time - growth.  

Just for today...

"I can do nothing to change the past except stop repeating it in the present . . . Taking some tiny action each day cam be much more effective than weeks and months of inactivity followed by a frenzied attempt to make radical changes overnight."  Courage to Change (p. 3)

"Each minute, each hour, each day, I smile a little more, let go of yesterday a little more, and live in today a little more."  Hope for Today (p. 3)

Thursday, January 2, 2025

January 2nd - Clarified expectations by God's intervention

The story...

In 1980, I expected to: begin a career as a sales engineer selling industrial robots; marry within a couple years; invest my growing capital in corporations for continual wealth growth; buy a house; drive a convertible; experience adventurous vacations; have four kids; and continue to live out a rebellious sort of ideals - to be free.  In 1981, reality went differently than I expected.  It was as though God pulled, maybe yanked, me in His direction.  What do I believe to be the key points of my life when I believe that God directly intervened?

Here's my take on the key related factual events, listed chronologically by my age:

8.  Walked to front of neighborhood-children-evangelistic meeting and accepted Jesus the Christ as my Savior.

15. Lost and alone in a canoe in the Boundary Waters, MN - in the dark.  I promised to dedicate my life to God if He saved me from my predicament - I saw the light of the campfire less than one minute after making my commitment to Him.

16. Worked every other Sunday and drifted away from attending church services.

18. Fully engaged in a self-absorbed college life and stopped attending church.

22. After a period of brokenness, I read the four gospels and was surprised to learn God's story in Christ - new good news to me. Miraculous auto accident avoidance and three incredibly unlikely personal interactions with those who I now believe to have been directed by the Spirit of God.  Steve and Marlene invite me to church.

23. I move to Knoxville, TN and people directly intervene in my life.  They seem to have been led by Spirit of God.  They lead me to study and believe the Word of God - "be" differently.

26. Dejected by the seemingly unbearable "religious'" expectations demanded of me for living a "Christian" life.  Bill Job explains the grace of God - God works out all that's good and that I was identified with Christ and right with God solely by what Christ did for me.  Our work was to believe both the gospel and His revealed Word.

28. We attend a dispensational church that more correctly interpreted God's provisions for us gentiles -  Pauline theology.  We were fully engaged in bible study and the church.

40. Kid(s) resent being told how to be good by following religious practices and principles.  They expose the difference between what we said and did - they also wanted to be free of religion.  A hyper-grace like message seemed to allow the freedom for us to walk a more "sinful" path while under the protective umbrella of the grace of God.  My prayer life might've revealed the problem.

60. Brokenness again leads me to more honestly assess my life and faith walk.  I develop more honest and close relationships while working out my faith in the Light.  I disengaged from those trying to "run" the church and gave up "trying" to be good.  I gave up attempts to fix, manage, and control other people according to what I thought was best.  Trusted by placing my hopes for me and others in the "hands of God."  My life actually began to "bear" fruit that both I, maybe others too, enjoyed.  

The only church in town will lead you to God through His Word.  They'll direct you to that right relationship with God that can be yours by believing the Gospel truth of what God's already done for you in Christ.  Our work is to believe (John 6:29).

Just for today...

"... it is our expectations, not our loved ones, that have let us down . . . learn to treat our needs as important and appropriate, and to treat ourselves as deserving . . . if we stop insisting that our needs be met according to our will, we might discover that all the love and support we need is already at our fingertips."   Courage to Change (p. 2)

"I will not fall in with . . . craving for punishment to relieve his or her guilt. I will not scold and weep, for it will not overcome the difficulties that we are trapped in . . . I pray that I may stop and think before I do or say anything whatever."  One Day at a Time (p. 2)

"'Look back without staring.' As long as I kept staring at my past without experiencing my feelings about it, I stayed mired in fear, resentment, and self-pity . . . Only after I stopped long enough to feel my anguish, bitterness, and emptiness could I let them go and move ahead."   Hope for Today (p. 2)

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

January 1st - Journey to Better Times

The story...

I've made a new years resolution that signals hope for more and better fruit to be born from my life and from those within my circle of concern too.  The resolution is doable, builds on truth validated within my earlier years, and is likely to build personal character traits that'll better support change opportunities.  I'm in a good place on the morn of this first day of ...

You gotta leave this to go for that.  "This" is normal even if it ain't comfortable.  "That" is like "two birds in a bush" - we may want to hang onto "this" in our hand.  For me, it's been easier to change after I've had the opportunity to verbally appraise the current situation with a friend.  Maybe this kind of life assessment happens for many on the last day of December prompting new-years resolutions on January 1st.  A quick internet search estimates that <10% of Americans follow thorough on their new-years resolutions.  Given my resolution choice, I expect an 80% probability of success.  Why not?

For me, my resolution will help me grow my personal character, relationships and faith.  And, the "doing" of my resolution should result in my holding "things" and the "cares of this world" more loosely.  How about your change resolution?

The only church in town will "generally" be a God's Word knowing, faithful, honest, helping, and loving group of people.  Our idealistic picture of what that one church might be will be wrong.  Why?  We'll find the wide range of personalities, capabilities, knowledge, coping mechanisms, life stories, shame, guilt, pride, and fruit-bearing capabilities there.  The relationships that you might find there are part of the good stuff in life where real personal and spiritual growth might be cultivated.  I hope that you make a resolution to become more involved within your church community, while expecting little, and being thankful for what you do receive.  Please accept my happy new-years wishes.

Just for today...

"We all have dark times in our lives, but the journey to better times is often what makes us happier, stronger people. When we stop expecting instant relief, we may come to believe that where we are today is exactly where God would have us be."  Courage to Change (p. 1)

"They see themselves in me, I see myself in them, and we learn to love and accept each other and ourselves."  Hope for Today (p. 1)

"I have authority over no life but my own."  One Day at a Time (p. 1)

March 9th - Did I run a good race?

The story... It's the 22nd mile of the October 17th, 1999, Detroit Marathon.  A man, dressed in black and red, stood outside a bar with ...