Sunday, January 12, 2025

January 12th - Oh.. to see more clearly - what's going on?

The story...

My mother told me so many stories that motivated me to be more curious, adventurous, and a story teller too.  The week before she passed on to eternity, we talked about the adventure that she was about to embark on.  She was about to travel from this life to the next - leave this world and body behind and travel to...  The adventure would be greater than being stuck on the top of a rocket ship that eventually would land her on the moon.  Her eyes displayed wonder and her smile seemed to display hope and joy.  My momma went on that adventure a few days later.  Wow . . . she knows the rest of the story.

SpaceX - Falcon 9 rocket

I expect that we'd disrupt this life, and take away some of the important experiences and meaning, if we knew what was going to happen today, tomorrow, or during the years we have left on this orb.  I wonder how important our life on this earth will be for the eternity to come?  I'm glad my momma passed on a curious nature to me. 

The only church in town will share what God's revealed about the future - enough to give us hope while living out our part in this epic story of life.  Yet, He doesn't reveal everything.  He says He wants us to live rightly and close to Him as we work out this life trusting in what He's revealed - walking through each day by faith in "That Than Which There is No Greater."

How about living for today, planning for tomorrow, and thinking on eternity already?  Oh . . . that we would read, ponder, share, and wonder while living out a purposeful life together in step with God. 

Just for today...

"I ask God to make me willing to see clearly my everyday experiences, to sharpen my perception of how much there is to enjoy, even in ordinary things and happenings. Let me be receptive. Restore to me my capacity for wonder."  One Day at a Time (p. 12)

"The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us..."  Deuteronomy 29:29 (NASB)

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