Showing posts with label Planning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Planning. Show all posts

Friday, March 7, 2025

March 7th - Imagined reality

The story...

Have you ever imagined something and then built it?  You weren't too sure about how it'd work out in "actuality;" yet, you got started.  You laid the pieces out on the table.  You arranged and substituted until it seemed just right.  While admiring your work, you might've felt a deep-internal satisfaction.  Your body secreted hormones emoting happiness.  The symmetry, the colors, the flaw, the shadows, the order . . . you liked looking at it.  What's the cause of this deep-felt satisfaction? 

I made this isosceles triangle one 2022 day. The story isn't found in what it's for.  It's more about the idea of working an imagined idea into reality, pondering it, and enjoying it.  Actually taking the time to pause, observe, and see in solitude.  Scripture says that God created - He knew who we'd be.  He enjoys His creation and creatures.  I wonder if God feels something like I feel, albeit infinitely greater and different, as He observes us?  Is this another way we're made in the image of God?

How does this apply to the only church in town?  Most churches design a building to fit the group's expected needs and hopes.  Those that helped create it have a special affinity for it.  Thirty years from now the people will be different, the building a bit more decayed, and patches will've given it a different look.  

The Apostle Paul refers to the "Body of Christ" as a called-out group of people.  Grasping this most wonderful idea requires our imagination as we read what's been revealed about it.  Through faith, you just might sense the beginnings of this wonderful, yet mystical, union of people in reality - introspection and contemplation required. 

Just for today...

"I don't have to look back at past ugliness except to learn from it, to enhance the present, and to release whatever beauty is trapped behind old secrets and self-defeating attitudes." Courage to Change (p. 67)

"I permitted Myself to be sought by those who did not ask for Me; I permitted Myself to be found by those who did not seek Me. I said, ‘Here am I, here am I,’ To a nation which did not call on My name."  Isaiah 65:1 (NASB)

"Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."  Romans 15:13 (NASB)

"The mind's canvas; Imagines what's not - Ways and tools; Dreams fulfilled."  Am I a Poet

Sunday, February 9, 2025

February 9th - Live for Today, Plan for Tomorrow, Think on Eternity

 The story...

The speaker offered a new way of thinking within a good life: "LIVE for today; PLAN for tomorrow; and THINK on eternity."  This frame-of-mind seemed to be true with "face validity" - the kind of motto that a wise man might live by.  So, I pondered the motto and shared it's meaning with 100's of people; yet, I didn't really internalize it.  Why?  Maybe I didn't spend most of my time living in the present reality and my thoughts tended to camp out more in the past or the immediate future.  Now I can more clearly imagine what it might be like 10,000 years from now in the next life: "You where one of the people that our Lord Jesus the Christ purchased from that sin dominated old world?  Wow!  What was it like?"

Iniquity may be defined as a person's actions that don't match up with their thoughts, inner-man, or heart.  Iniquity can lead us into a mindset characterized by shame and guilt for what what we've done and expect to do in the future.  Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, having paid the penalty for both our past and future iniquity, can lead a man to be truly free - Free from shame and guilt both within our own psyche and, most importantly, at the final judgement day of God. 

How would this motto and perspective best work out in the only church in town?  It's likely that their behavior would exhibit strengths, weaknesses, character flaws and occasional fruit that they seem to be gifted with. They'd be doers who uniquely work out what they know to be true about themselves and God in the present.  Together they'd be better equipped to move forward toward a right path within God's will.  Success, despite their flaws, would bring glory to their God whom they serve.

Just for today...

"The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak."  This quote and the following painting are from an abstract impressionist painter Hans Hofmann.   Thank you Hans.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

January 25th - "Try" to be better or "be" better?

The story...

Trying to: elongate my spine, strengthen my "core," stretch all those muscles, perform new exercises, and adapt to my lumbar-caused pain seems never ending.  Once, I felt like I'd lost my way and needed encouragement from my physical therapist.  She was serious when she told me that she didn't want to hear "I can't" anymore - she wanted to hear "I can."  She directed me to keep a log of what I did, how long I did it, and how much "new" muscle pain or "old" nerve pain I felt.  This cause-and-effect analysis was meant to record how long I was doing my suspected cause of pain and what I did to alleviate it - a clearer look at the reality of my condition and coping methods too.

It's true that my body's getting older and will likely require periodical adaptations in order to move and live as I wish to, or need to, without assistance.  Yet, I don't want my "body" focus to be my primary focus.  I don't plan on giving up yet I'd rather not try so hard.  I hope to develop a physical fitness routine that will sustain me throughout the next 20 years.

Over the last 25 years of my personal and work life, "try" has been and evil word in regards to personal commitments.  I prefer to focus on what you or I commit to actually do.  It seems that the same idea applies here.

The only church in town will focus more on who we are and what we do than our physical condition.  Yes, they will focus on the condition of our souls.  Strangely God doesn't ask us to "try" to be a better person either.  He asks that we receive His provision for our past misdeeds and trust Him to change our inner-person to be more like the ideal that was displayed in the life of His Son.  They call it the process of sanctification that He works out in us as we abide in Him - He does the heavy lifting. 

He's a really good Father.  I'm so... thankful that He did a great work for and within me.  The only church in town will focus on our being who we are in Christ with little emphasis on trying to be something we ain't.

Just for today...

"I found that I was overly interested in others because I had such a low opinion of myself."  Courage to Change (p. 25)

"Bad habits and compulsions cannot be conquered by determined resolutions or promising ourselves that we won't go on doing this or that . . . I  stopped trying to force myself to eliminate my faults when I found it didn't work."  One Day at a Time (p. 25)

"I was raised to be industrious and goal oriented. Today I am discovering what play means."  Hope for Today (p. 25)

Friday, January 17, 2025

January 17th - Working out life from a new tool box...

 The story...

Long ago over dinner in Bethel Maine, a woman from Xerox gave me advice - it stuck.  I've shared this advice with 100's of people and I don't even remember her name.  Everybody seemed to understand the advice and its application too.  I'd recently been promoted from engineer to engineering manager.  She explained the difference between the two tool boxes that I had at my disposal.  The old set that served me well and the new set that I'd need to better "lead" and "manage" the group.  Surely, it was wise to oil, and occasionally apply, the tools in the old box; yet, the new set must be developed and augmented to leverage the group towards...

I tried leading this group long ago - thank you "Murray House" 

Strangely, I sense a need to cleanup and change the tool box that I've been using for the last ten years.  Here are seven tools that I think I need to add or dust off, oil, and use more frequently:  

  • "Bigger" EarsListen to others without opinion or thoughts of fixing, managing, or controlling.
  • Get Out the Door: Move from thinking about to doing more readily - take that first step.
  • ThankfulnessWithin my prayers, activities, & relationships - on both "Light" & "Dark" days.
  • Exercise & StretchEnable my body to go where He and I will to go...
  • Invest:  Build up others & thoughtfully transfer what I have to 'em too.
  • Keep the End in Mind - Be eternally focused and earthly good too.
  • Honest in Self Assessment: Remain humble - focused on the glory of God.
The only church needs you to work out your life with 'em.  You need 'em too even though it may currently be a latent need.  Bring your toolbox and be ready to work out your life with 'em.  Once there, you may find the need to add a tool, pick up an old tool, or replace your tool box with a new one that...

Just for today...

"I will make myself learn to use a new set of tools: tolerance, kindness, patience, courtesy, love and humor - and a firm determination to do what is necessary to improve my life."  One Day at a Time (p. 17)

"I often restrain myself for fear that others will misunderstand and criticize me."  Hope for Today (p. 17)

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

December 31st - Hoping for the best next year - planning to do my part

The story...

Twenty four has been my favorite number for as long as I can remember.  The number feels even, comfortable, and strangely offered an optimistic spin for the year.  The Ford Motor Company built our new Ford Maverick pickup truck during the last week of January and I planned to Uber driving with it beginning this spring.  While Uber driving, I hoped to meet, and serve, many people by helping them reach their destinations.  Yes, I'm planned to do my part toward making 2024 a good-to-great year.

My new years resolution was to pray, followed by meditation, for at least ten minutes per day for 100 consecutive days.  Why?  A good friend did something similar, I had the power to make the change happen, and the life change seems to offer only upsides.

Did I track my progress?  Yes, I wish that I didn't need to but experience says that my tracking helps me meet practice and sustain good-living habits.  In reality, my prayer and meditation life drifted to the more normal state; yet, "righter."

The only church in town will share about God's promises for a relationship with Him that trusts in His provision.  Prayer and quietly listening is part of that relationship.

Happy new year friends!

Just for today...

"The new year which lies before me has no time for futile regrets. I will live one day at a time, making each one better than the last, as I grow in confidence and faith."  One Day at a Time (p. 366)

"Have I thanked that person for all they've given me? Have I recognized my growing ability to love and trust others?"   Courage to Change (p. 366)

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

December 3rd - Turning stuff, outside your control or influence, over to God

The story...

Life has taught me that I don't know what's best in many or most situations. The best that I can hope for is to apply something that seemed to work well in similar situations.  It's especially likely that I'll choose a suboptimal course of action if it involves something that I'm comfortable with, allows me to apply a skill that I've developed, if it uses the tool(s) at hand, brings positive attention towards myself, pleasures me, or is consistent with my limited knowledge.  Actually, I think that I'm a good decision maker yet I'm prone to make biased-suboptimal decisions while hoping for a very cloudy picture of what the future might best hold.

I once taught a graduate class on forecasting with mathematical models.  It involved identifying causal and non-causal data related to key outcomes, weighting historical data, measuring trends, discovering seasonality, and the testing of these time-series models with both historical and current reality - always concerned that these data were recorded accurately and precise enough.  A good model's helpful for planning within varying: environments, materials, Geopolitics, competitors, and the actual behavior of all the people involved - sometimes it seems difficult if not impossible to do "good" enough.  Our omniscient God knows - but I, his creature, do not - "A man's got to know his limitations."

Most of us believe that a virtuous life is better than a non-virtuous one. Yet, I value honesty and integrity while others plan on lying as necessary in an effort to achieve more favorable outcomes - insecure people work out their lives differently within their ever-changing environments.  Situations and their related decisions are rarely black-and-white - they seem cloudier and greyer with spots of sunshine peaking through.

The only church in town will tell the believers that God's trustworthy and He cares for each of us.  You can trust Him for the stuff that's outside your control and influence.  When trusting God, you're more likely to live out a restful, peaceful, and hopeful life.   A life that appreciates the past, lives in the present, and trusts God for the future.  It's a great thing to walk through this life in favor with God in Christ.  Why not fellowship with your Creator and Father now?

Just for today...

"I found it relatively easy to make a decision to turn over my will and my life to God. However, I didn't have any  idea how to actually do it."  Hope for Today (p. 338)   The author goes on to suggest a "God Box" and "Basketball Technique."  I have done, and do, both.  You can find a copy of the book to learn more if you so choose.  

"Speculating on other people's attitudes and motives is a waste of time and effort. To search out the reasons for my own is a voyage of discovery!"  One Day at a Time (p. 338)

"Meditation is higher spiritual awareness . . . a quiet place . . . beyond my thoughts . . . attention on the present day only, leaving the past and the future alone."   Courage to Change (p. 338)

Saturday, November 2, 2024

November 2nd - Offering, those you're with, your best

The story...

What an odd thing to want the best from others when we aren't willing to be that "good" person ourselves.  Worse yet, what a strange thing to want other people around us to behave according to an undefined "best" standard.

What do I want from those around me?  A listening and understanding ear, respect for all, loving themself and their neighbor, honesty, curiosity, eye for beauty, willingness to learn new things, participate in and support community, courage throughout each day, an optimistic view of eternity grounded in reality, sharing with those in need, and a faith that God loves us and will do good for us within His will?

What if those in our groups took the Boy Scout Oath?  "On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight."

How about the Girl Scout Law?  "I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout."

Goodness, rooted in a good heart, is infectious.  If it starts within each of us then we'll likely all enjoy a better life - "Let it Start with Me."

The only church in town will work out their lives together according to the revealed Word of God.  It will be a reverent place of relationships - me with God in Christ, me with me, me with you, and you with you. 

Just for today...

"I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving." Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809 - 94)

"I will not reserve my deference and respect for outsiders whom I want to please or my pleasant expressions for those I want to impress. The people I live with are worthy of my best behavior..."  One Day at a Time (p. 307)

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

October 2nd - Does your constitution justify your "just doing it?"

The story...

The USA Supreme Court protects and interprets our constitution.  Who protects my constitution?  I guess it's me.  Should I just do it, think about it, or write in on my to-do list?  Some things must be planned yet some things are acted on as a matter of habit or principle.  Within my constitution, can I, or should I, just do it?  I understand my constitution to be principles, or precedents, for how I manage my life - how I make decisions and act on them in accordance with who I am.  Take a look at my bookmark I crafted and laminated in the 1990s - it speaks to being versus doing.  

This purpose statement is helpful yet it doesn't seem to be a constitution for how I might make daily decisions.   The following are a few ideas about the choices that I expect to make today, on my birthday, and record the principle(s) that seems to actually be driving them.  Might this be a reasonable way to write my constitution as opposed to a lofty set of ideas that I'd like to be true about me?

Make and drink coffee - Live in a supportive and comfortable environment - self-care.
Put on an old blue button-down-collar shirt - Love in storge sort of way - self-care - self-respect.
Bring my momma a donut at her new independent living place - Be kind to family and community.
Enjoy lunch with a best friend - Share and grow with good friends.
Close Exercise ring on my Apple Watch - Work toward goals - self-care.
Write in my blog - Better understand "what's going on" and share too.
Tweak my investment choices - Plan and prepare for the future.
Prepare for 1st BSF group meeting - Learn and grow with other men.
Pray and meditate - Work out my relationship with God in Christ.
Answer birthday wish visits and phone calls - Build kind, growing, and loving relationships.
Greet people on the bike path - Love and receive love.
Afternoon nap - Be kind to me.
Eat meals - Care for me and be happy.
Organize basement - Simplify for me and others too.

The only church in town will likely have a written purpose statement and constitution.  I hope that each member of this "called out group of people" would have their own constitution too and that the two would flow congruently.

Just for today...

"I felt afraid of doing the job incorrectly and being criticized, but I accepted it anyway. My fears were quelled because criticism never came . . . 'I can, I can, I can! And I do.'"  Hope for Today (p. 276)

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

September 24th - Being emotionally, mentally, and spiritually well

The story...

My walks in the woods are important to me.  There're few man-made objects to be seen.  There're sounds of creatures, the wind, rustling leaves, and your feet crushing leaves and twigs.  You can feel the wind in your hair and the bumps in the path pushing through the soles of your shoes and sending signals through your calloused feet. You can smell a few plants and the decaying leaves too.  You won't taste much; yet, you'll discern a couple things.  Yes, we can sense more while living in the present.

Along my walks, I'm capable of drifting back to an unresolved scenario from my past - often thinking about my role, what I did, and what I might've done.  I've learned to decide what's true about the past situation and to "dispatch" the history before it turns into obsessive thinking and depression.  Often the thoughts end well with me accepting reality and trusting God for needed resolution.

While walking, I might entertain expectations and plans for future events.  This type of thinking can be a worthy, decisive, hiking time investment; yet, they too can turn into unproductive obsessive thinking. It's not hard to begin imagining what might go wrong to the point of imagining my fears into negative, pessimistic expectations for the future.  I don't want to view the future pessimistically nor walk into my future unprepared.

You know these guys...

It seems good when half of my time, walking down the path of life, is living in and more fully perceiving the present - experiencing my senses, feelings, and more "tuned into" my spirit and the presence of God.  Most often this state's not a thinking thing.  It's a peaceful and restful place to be, with my mind at rest, sensing what's going on around me, and looking forward to what's up around the path's bend.  I also seem to enjoy my encounters with other hikers better too when I am walking peacefully in the present - it's good to be connected within community.  When I finish my hike, I feel senses of accomplishment, restfulness, and a better sense of connectedness with my whole self, others and God too - more okay and loved.

What happens when we don't experience love for an extended period of time?  Might we fail to engage in life or even to experience emotions?  I've heard stories of ignored-orphanage babies who stopped crying - they seem to've realized that there was nobody there to comfort them - to be loved.  The only church in town's a place to learn about what God's revealed about Himself, us, and realistic expectations for the future. The church is a place for experiencing the love of God and real reasons for being okay with yourself.  I want to be present in a place with loving relationships - living within the grace of God - how about you?

Just for today...

"What would happen if we stopped blaming anyone for anything? We would experience miracles of tolerance and grace - rich spiritual rewards, reflected in a life of real fulfillment."  One Day at a Time (p. 268)

"...I suffered from the disease in the form of emotional sickness and spiritual starvation . . . When I could not do another thing for myself . . . God wrapped me in protective care and began to teach me that I am worthy of joy and serenity . . . God's grace is doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves."  Hope for Today (p. 268)

Monday, September 9, 2024

September 9th - Where do I go if I don't need to go anywhere?

The story...

Being a relatively young retiree, I've time, resources and capabilities that are ready to go.  The big question is: where do I go if I don't need to go anywhere?  Here's an attempt to list the decision criteria that I might use in no particular order.  Will doing it:

  • benefit me in the future?
  • help me feel better?
  • give me something to be proud of?
  • help relive my unwanted feelings?
  • be with people I'm comfortable being around?
  • make me more secure physically or financially?
  • give me something to talk about?
  • glorify and honor God and His Word?
  • help me remember "better" times?
  • fulfill my obligations, or promises, to other people?
  • occupy my mind so that I won't be thinking, or dwelling on, negative thoughts?
  • hurt me or diminish my capabilities?
  • help me to love and be loved?
  • teach me something new?
  • fulfill a latent need or want?
Not surprisingly, only one was not primarily about me - it's highlighted in bold.  Personally, I want to walk through my life journey humbly and justly with God - Micah 6:8.  I say "yes" to a life with choices that leads to a productive and peaceful life where "we" might experience true joy, Romans 15:13.

The only church in town will offer power, peace, rest, and hope amidst all circumstances.  A respite where we might set our focus from ourselves to our Lord and Savior - a loving Father (Abba).

Just for today...

"Am I using my capabilities well? Do I recognize and appreciate all I have to be grateful for? Actually I am the possessor of unlimited resources."  One Day at a Time (p. 253)

"Does my face look calm? Don't be fooled. I'm just afraid to let you see the truth. You might think I'm foolish or weak. You might reject me. So I don't talk, and the pain remains." Courage to Change (p. 253)

"... I don't have to respond to the face of anger. I don't have to explain my motives to an irrational person." Hope for Today (p. 253)

Friday, September 6, 2024

September 6th - What's really important?

The story...

What's really important today?  I've done a pretty good job of resisting the need to make lists within this blog; yet, this seems like a good place to list what's really important for today - in rank order:

  1. Pray and be quiet with God.
  2. Love the Lord my God - Abide with my Father in a sort of continual prayer/connection.
  3. Be conscience of the Holy Spirit's work as I walk humbly and patiently within the will of God.
  4. Eat, breathe, and take care of my body.
  5. Love my wife as I love myself.
  6. Be joyful, hopeful, peaceful, and bear His fruit.
  7. Love, and receive love from, my church community - the body of Christ.
  8. Build up key relationships more than they've naturally declined.
  9. Interact with neighbors and take opportunities to let'em know they're respected and loved.
  10. Blog and continually learn.  Grow to be a better man who trusts God.
  11. Read what God says.
  12. Maintain and grow the assets that I'm entrusted with.
It's easy for me to see other people not acting out their age and life reality.  I hope that I continue to work out the phase of life that I'm actually in and don't short cut my life story.  I want to be a good character, within the epic story of life, who was and is faithful to his God and Father.

    I hope that I remember, each day, that my story's important only because it's worked out within the will of God.  The Holy Spirit indwells me for His biding and He will be resting in the hands of God after my body breathes it's last breath.  Yet, God's promised a new everlasting body for all eternity - we only know this through His revealed Word found in the bible.  I hope that each of us stays curious regarding the spiritual reality that's just as real as our journey on earth yet eternal. 

    The only church in town would grow Christ ones who live for today, plan for tomorrow, and think on eternity.  They'd learn to live in the reality that we're eternal beings who're journeying on this orb, earth, for but a few seasons.

    Just for today...

    "...most people spend more time planning vacations than they do thinking about what is really important in their lives . . . Am I so busy with smaller, less meaningful concerns that I run out of time for the really important considerations?"  Courage to Change (p. 250)

    "Perhaps I have felt a right and an obligation to set the standards for the family and compel those around me to live up to them . . . Teach me to leave to others their inborn right to dignity and independence, as I wish to have them leave to me."  One Day at a Time (p. 250)

    Wednesday, September 4, 2024

    September 4th - Do I worry to control the uncontrollable?

    The story...

    What if we had one day per week where we didn't plan anything?   We could pray, listen, exercise, rest, care for ourselves and others, and enjoy relationships.  How about being flexible with our schedules, resisting engaging in other's business, and living a more joyful, peaceful and hope-filled day?

    Some of you might be thinking: "I'd like to be like that yet it's impossible - the other people in my life don't behave like that."  Might a more fruitful life spill over into their lives too and be a sort of engine drawing others towards the good stuff of life?

    How might we better respond when we feel a need to be more okay by controlling our environment or interactions among other people?   Developing, sharing, or arguing, opinions is an alternative yet likely won't get us where we want to go.

    The only church in town will communicate God's revealed truth - God has a will for creation and for you and me too.  You'll hear there that He will work out His will with me or without me.  Yet, He enjoys me and His creation and has good news for all humanity.  His Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ, has paid our debt for the trespasses that kept us apart from out Creator.  A life walking with Him is much better than the losing battle of  trying to glorify and protect ourselves.   We can be brought close to Him through faith and trust through the great redeeming work of His Son.  Wow, I can only inadequately imagine what eternity will be like with God.

    Just for today...

    "I was surprised to find myself still grabbing for old fears as if I wanted to remain in crisis. I realized that I didn't know how to feel safe unless I was mentally busy. When I worried, I felt involved - and therefore somewhat in control."  Courage to Change (p. 248)

    "Some of us, after long enduring misfortunes we didn't know how to cope with, reached a breaking point. In our hopelessness we even felt rejected by God, so we never thought of turning to Him for help."  One Day at a Time (p. 248)

    "Do you take note when others are sick and offer them the same attention you crave? . . . Let it begin with me."  Hope for Today (p. 248)

    Sunday, August 18, 2024

    August 18th - Keeping busy or living peacefully?

    The story...

    My significant other is going away for eight days.  Why do I have this need to plan activities to keep me busy?  Does this need suggest that my life isn't peaceful now?  Or, have I structured my life around a pattern of habits that'll be disrupted without my girl?  Do I need a series of planned activities to validate my sense of self worth?  I do want to be okay rather than behaving in ways that allows me to imagine that I'm okay.

    What does an okay, peaceful, day look like for me?  Maybe it's hard to live out the better reality without a purposeful plan or pattern.  Its a little uncomfortable to actually write it out.  Isn't that the goal of a blog?  Okay, the following is my generic plan for living out a peaceful and fruit bearing day - limited to 15:

    1. Wake naturally from restful sleep
    2. Do a few things that I look forward to
    3. Pray, meditate and listen
    4. Reflect and clarify within my blog
    5. Interim fast while drinking plenty of water
    6. Reach out to at least one friend
    7. Exercise in nature and community
    8. Be kind to those I meet - risk loving and being loved
    9. Invest one hour managing household and finance
    10. Enjoy my lunch
    11. Do or learn something new
    12. Keep opinions to myself and challenge their validity
    13. Serve somehow, somewhere - engage in community
    14. Seek to understand before being understood
    15. Read God's revealed Word and fall asleep feeling loved

    Having completed and reflected on this list, I've less of a need to fill up my days with planned activities.  I certainly would rather live in the present, be receptive to spirit/Spirit realities, trust God rather than myself, and enjoy walking in the will of God rather than the will of me.

    The only church in town will be a place built to facilitate a more honest life lived out in the actualities, or circumstances, of life and Sprit-to-spirit reality.   Maybe there we will feel free to pass the peace sign on to each other. ☮

    Just for today...

    "Today I make a commitment to be honest with myself. By facing reality, I become someone I can depend upon."  Courage to Change (p. 232)

    "It is easy, terribly easy, to shake a man's faith in himself. To take advantage of that to break a man's spirit is devil's work."  (G.B. Shaw: Candida)

    Tuesday, August 6, 2024

    August 6th - What does a really good day look like in your daydreams?

    The story...

    There was a summer, during my middle-school years, when I didn't do much.  I delivered my daily newspapers, participated in family stuff, watched too much TV and daydreamed. Strangely, I remember contemplating my rather dull summer while thinking it really didn't make any difference - the summer was nearly over too for those who actually lived out the type of summer I hoped for.  Yes, that chunk of life was over for everyone.

    Daydream - Lovin' Spoonful

    What would I tell the teenage me If I could sit down with him back then?  Would I tell him about the good circumstances that awaited?  Would I tell the rather short me that I'd grow to be 6' 4" tall?  Would I tell him that it was better than he thought?  Would I share an appreciation fir the good that he actually had available?  Or would I tell him to focus on the greatest two commandments in the bible:  Love the Lord your God with all your heart, strength, and mind.  And, love your neighbor as yourself?  I expect what I really needed was to understand, be understood, and to learn to love and be loved just as I was.

    Would you rather be loved in poor circumstances or unloved in favorable circumstances?  In my humble opinion, my best days are those where I'm loving my neighbors as myself.  A day when I'm a best friend to me which seems to serve as a source of strength for loving other people.  And, I can only love me if I'm right with, or at peace with, God the Father.

    People attending the only church in town will hear about how they too might be right with God the Father through His provision.  The bible says faith in His Son's redeeming death, burial and resurrection positions people in Christ - a place where we can be rightly related to God and enjoy a most wonderful condition both now and forevermore. (Ephesians 1)

    Just for today...

    "I would put aside critical thoughts of others. I would notice interesting things - the expressions on people's faces, a plant growing on my windowsill, the grace and charm of a child, an arrangement of clouds. Today there are wonders all around me, if I will open my eyes and enjoy them."  One Day at a Time (p. 219)

    Monday, June 24, 2024

    June 24th - What's a Good Life?

     The story...

    It's 6:37am and I don't know what'll happen today.  I and others have plans and a will for what we'd like to see happen.  Yet, all our plans don't fit together into that one jigsaw puzzle that'd look like our good day.

    As a professor, I was responsible for advising my graduate students regarding their course selections in the light of their career plans and vision for working out their good life.  I rarely heard a good description of what they thought a good life would look like or even if the concept had merit.  Most would ask me: "what is a good life?"

    There are some life variables that we've some degree of control over.  We can decide to wake up at 6:00am and set our alarm(s) to increase the likelihood that we do wake up then.  We can forecast what's likely to happen and plan our days accordingly - like checking the weather.  Or, we can react to random variables as they come our way - like the unexpected behavior of other drivers out on the road.

    Most likely 24.5 but was 19

    The truth is that we can't count on our next breath.  It's truly a remarkable that you are alive and reading this blog posting.  We know that in the next moment we could experience: a stroke, a heart attack, being hit by an object, that head-on crash, that random bullet, catastrophic weather event, being fatally wounded by a rocket or a meteorite...

    People within the only church in town will find all joy and peace from the God of Hope (Rom. 15:13). This hope is possible without regard to the wavering circumstances of our lives.  Our sovereign God offers His peace in the midst of life's circumstances for those who are His forever.

    Just for today...

    • Live more in the present.  
    • Listen to others with the intent to understand.  
    • Ask people for permission before sharing your perspective.

    Monday, March 11, 2024

    March 11th - Try or commit?

    The story...

    I expect that I should give credit for this "learning" to the person who showed me.  However, somebody shared it with him - who knows where it originated.  

    The scenario: you ask for someone in the group to commit to completing an assignment.  They respond that they'll "try" to have it done by next Monday.  You take a dollar bill from your wallet and present it in front of them and you say: "try to take this dollar bill."  They pull it out of your hand and you say" "No, I said 'try' to take it out of my hand - you actually took it out of my hand."  The receiver may say "huh?" and you repeat the exercise with them a few times before they internalize the idea.  "Try" means that you may or may not accomplish the task and have made no commitment.  Teams work best when people will to do what they say.  I frequently facilitated meetings where people, who were tempted to "waffle" on a commitment, would change their mind when I merely reached for my wallet and they recalled the value of commitment.

    "Try to take this from my hand."

    I expect that the only church in town would be filled with people who represent the full community.  Each would be at a different stage of their lives.  Together, they'd have all they need to work out the will of God for them, their church, and their community - trusting God with the outcomes.  Each would grow working side by side towards a common aim.  Rather than try, they'd work out their faith together in actualities.  Each person safely in Christ and Christ working out good works through each person and the group as a whole.

    Just for Today...

    "My friend and I resolve that in the future we will try less, accept more, and let go of our impatience, self-criticism, and self-hatred.  We take a deep breath and say, "Help me, God."  Courage to Change (p. 71)

    "Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor; for if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up!" Ecclesiastics 4:9,10 (NASB)

    "Volunteer needed; Failure hurts - Look away; Opportunity lost."  Am I a Poet?

    March 8th - A friend to all is a friend to none

     The story.. . When in my 20s, I had a reoccurring fantasy of owning a bar that sold food.  I'd stop by a couple of times per day to see...