Tuesday, January 21, 2025

January 21st - Who's your daddy?

The story...

Thankfully, my back surgeon recommended Celebrexepidural steroid injections and therapy, rather than surgery.  I hoped to return my body to a more normal "I can go an do what I want to" state.   The Celebrex worked as expected, the injection process was relatively easy with questionable benefits, and the therapy was a real surprise.

"What physical therapist would you recommend in my home town?"  They didn't have a recommendation - they gave me a prescription for either four or six weeks and said we'll meet again in four months.  I took a look at the therapy room in the Aquatic Center, where I'd been swimming for about two months, and scheduled an appointment with the only therapist there.  

After meeting with the young-woman therapist for two weeks, my interactions and results surpassed my expectations.  I didn't choose her, I chose the location and facility.  I trusted her and did, pretty much, everything she told me to do.  "We" worked on limitations that affected me throughout most of my life.  I was so optimistic - "Yahoo!"

If I were to have selected a therapist from a candidate lineup, I likely wouldn't have selected her.  I might've looked at age, sex, height, personality, education, experience...   I'm so thankful that I came in with a need, was honest in every interaction, sought to understand before being understood, listened to her diagnosis rather than my own related thoughts, and trusted her.  Yes, I didn't want to be naive; so I tested her a couple of times and each time her response confirmed that she was capable and had my best interest at heart.  She's a human with limited understanding but I relied on her to get better.  She sought to understand me better and set expectations of a sustainable solution that might work with my habits, preferences, life style, and hopes for the future.

Whose your daddy?

I especially liked her direct style of communication and therapy interventions during our 1/2 hour appointments.  She appeared to be committed to helping me regardless of my responses and peculiarities.  I'm so... thankful for her.  Maybe, when I grow up, I can be more like her? 😊

The only church in town's object of faith will be their Messiah, their Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ whose great sacrificial work provides the way to a righteous relationship with God our Creator and Redeemer.  There's a lot packed into that sentence.  Why not go to the only church in town and learn more about what's really going on within the rest of your life and eternity too?

Just for today...

"It is only by taking offense at what others do that I will be afflicted with resentment. If I feel that what I am doing is right, I will not be dependent on the admiration or applause of others."  One Day at a Time (p. 21)

"I could never tell the difference between what was and was not my business. I felt I had to take care of everyone around me until I couldn't stand it any more."  Courage to Change (p. 21)

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