Saturday, March 8, 2025

March 8th - A friend to all is a friend to none

 The story...

When in my 20s, I had a reoccurring fantasy of owning a bar that sold food.  I'd stop by a couple of times per day to see the familiar, laugh with friends, and meet new people too.  Saturday mornings would find me doing the "books" at my favorite seat - "my" booth.  The morning sun would be shinning through the windows and I'd feel comfort and self-fulfillment.

A few times a year, me and my friend, drank beer and dined at a place called "Tip a Few" in Grand Haven, MI.  It's similar but different from my imagined place of goodness and comfort. I liked to order a pitcher of "Pabst Blue Ribbon" beer - the beer I often shared with friends during my college years.  Inevitably, I'd resurrect the dream of owning my bar with great enthusiasm.  The one who knows me well would say "here you go again" and they'd sit back with "that smile I hold dear" as I retold my vision of how it would be and how great it would feel.  Five minutes after we left the front door I'd again say: "what was I thinking?"  Then, the one who knows me well would squeeze my hand and we'd walk on together - laughing.   

Since September 2020, no alcohol has entered my body.  Personally, I had practical and situational reasons for stopping - it seemed clearly good for me.  I've started other good habits that're now part of who I am.  The change hasn't affected where I go much; yet, once I returned to "Tip a Few."  The people respectfully served me water and I enjoyed the experience with muchness.  That old-fond dream seems to be vanquished and gone forever - that's good.  It's part of a better alignment between my body, mind, and soul.

It's water

Would the only church in town attempt to simulate this common "good" experience with coffee bars and breakfast nooks?  I've witnessed a few good "tries" yet they seemed to be a bit pretentious and fall short - they weren't the thing.  I expect that people, who'd go to the only church in town, would be looking for the real thing - to better know the Word of "That Than Which there is No Greater," to know more of what is really going on, and to be more like the person that He is and wants them to be - their aim. 


Just for today...

"A friend to all is a friend to none."   The Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle (340 BCE)

"The clinking sound; The happy hum - Shoulder to shoulder; I loved that bar."
"It wasn't the place; Alcohol unneeded - Loved the loving; Interlude of peace."   Am I a poet?

Friday, March 7, 2025

March 7th - Imagined reality

The story...

Have you ever imagined something and then built it?  You weren't too sure about how it'd work out in "actuality;" yet, you got started.  You laid the pieces out on the table.  You arranged and substituted until it seemed just right.  While admiring your work, you might've felt a deep-internal satisfaction.  Your body secreted hormones emoting happiness.  The symmetry, the colors, the flaw, the shadows, the order . . . you liked looking at it.  What's the cause of this deep-felt satisfaction? 

I made this isosceles triangle one 2022 day. The story isn't found in what it's for.  It's more about the idea of working an imagined idea into reality, pondering it, and enjoying it.  Actually taking the time to pause, observe, and see in solitude.  Scripture says that God created - He knew who we'd be.  He enjoys His creation and creatures.  I wonder if God feels something like I feel, albeit infinitely greater and different, as He observes us?  Is this another way we're made in the image of God?

How does this apply to the only church in town?  Most churches design a building to fit the group's expected needs and hopes.  Those that helped create it have a special affinity for it.  Thirty years from now the people will be different, the building a bit more decayed, and patches will've given it a different look.  

The Apostle Paul refers to the "Body of Christ" as a called-out group of people.  Grasping this most wonderful idea requires our imagination as we read what's been revealed about it.  Through faith, you just might sense the beginnings of this wonderful, yet mystical, union of people in reality - introspection and contemplation required. 

Just for today...

"I don't have to look back at past ugliness except to learn from it, to enhance the present, and to release whatever beauty is trapped behind old secrets and self-defeating attitudes." Courage to Change (p. 67)

"I permitted Myself to be sought by those who did not ask for Me; I permitted Myself to be found by those who did not seek Me. I said, ‘Here am I, here am I,’ To a nation which did not call on My name."  Isaiah 65:1 (NASB)

"Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."  Romans 15:13 (NASB)

"The mind's canvas; Imagines what's not - Ways and tools; Dreams fulfilled."  Am I a Poet

Thursday, March 6, 2025

March 6th - Like swimming laps

 The story...

They say swimming is good for you.  For me, it's the best alternative.  I wonder what swimming is like for young athletes; all those hours with their head down thinking about what?  In 2022, I had a second go at a swimming life style - a good habit.  The whole process takes about two hours with 35 minutes actually swimming freestyle - the crawl.  I pack my bag, drive, find a space, walk in, talk to a friend, change, do a lifting/aerobic routine, shower, jump in, start my Apple watch, swim, soak, shower, change, talk again, and drive somewhere.  Why would a sane person do such a thing?  For me, it's part of a better life.  I expect that people who come closest to knowing me would agree that this is a good investment of these chunks of life.  I plan on sticking with it until...

How does a person think while their eyes are seeing those tile squares, on the bottom of the pool, flow by?  I used to think about how much longer I had to do this - my watch takes care of that now.  Each  time's different yet the same in some ways.  You can't hear much, can't see much, can't smell much, can't taste much but you do feel a whole lot as you almost weightlessly float along.  I come out of the pool feeling rested and more peaceful.  And, a bit closer to my inner-man - maybe even spirit-to-Spirit connection.

The one I love is running is within this photo.

The only church in town might feel like the community pool.  I hope you enjoy pondering this one and maybe even plan to visit your community pool.  Might a change to your routine help you "be."

Just for today...

"When I was angry and wanted to argue, I silently fumed.  When I was hurt and wanted comfort, I pouted. When I wanted attention, I talked non-stop. I couldn't understand why I rarely got the responses I expected!  I no longer expect anyone to read my mind."  Courage to Change (p. 66)

"Feet dangling in; Ready to jump - Waste no time; Enter the chill."
"First lap's fast; Body knows how - Mind's on me, Heart's exposed."
"Few distractions; Spirit and soul - We're together; Smooth and aligned."
"Time is up; Return to life - A better man; Me and He."    Am I a Poet?

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

March 5th - Wring Out the Value

The story...

The scene from long-long ago, I'm sitting at a conference table with a man from Hong Kong.  He's explaining plans for a new high-rise office building to replace their existing building.  I'm attentive - I'd heard stories about the "buzz" that characterized Hong Kong - I wanted to experience it too.  He explained that the building was being replaced to improve area traffic flow.  Large buildings are obviously expensive so this surprised me.  Why would they do such a thing?  They were replacing it for the benefit of the whole community.  Then I ask: "How old is the existing building?"  His answer shocked me: "It's seven or eight years old."   

I was reminded of the Hong Kong story when enjoying ice sculptures that were shown in the heart of my home town. They'd already begun to melt.  They also offered value to me and the community who chose to observe them.  Yet their expected life span was counted in hours.

How long might the only church in town last?  Buildings and their "value added" come and go.  Yet, I hope that the people who congregate there will "wring out" all of the value within until...

Just of today... 

"I used to believe thinking was the highest function of human beings . . . I now realize loving is our supreme function..."  Hope for Today (p.65)

A wise friend offered me the following good advice: When a thought takes hold of your mind and shows signs of becoming obsessive thinking; stop, allow four minutes to reflect on what's true about it and then decide if something truly needs to be done on your part.  If not, continue on living. 

"Let go of the things you don't need to open up room for your strengths, skills, and feelings to become more fully part of your life."   Courage to Change (p. 65)

"Nice place to be; Maybe I'll camp here - It gives way; Slipping into otherness."  Am I a Poet?

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

March 4th - Otherwise

The story...

We owned a book of poetry - beneath the living-room table. The book was titled "Time's River - The Voyage of Life in Art and Poetry."  Kate Farrell selected the art and the poems - they were published by the National Gallery of Art, Washington, in 1999.  The book's organized as four phases of life:  Childhood;  Young Adulthood;  Maturity;  and Old Age.  I viewed these life phases in a series of paintings during a tour of the Smithsonian Museum in 1982.  When contemplating those life paintings, I can relate to the character depicted in those paintings.  I wonder: "am I solidly in the third or fourth phase?"  Am I experiencing the right stuff?

Please enjoy "Otherwise" written by Jane Kenyon in 1947.

I got out of bed on two strong legs. It might have been otherwise.

I ate cereal, sweet milk, ripe, flawless peach. It might have been otherwise.

I took the dog uphill to the birch wood. It might have been otherwise.

At noon I lay down with my mate. It might have been otherwise.

We ate dinner together at a table with silver candlesticks. It might have been otherwise.

I slept in a bed in a room with paintings on the walls, and planned another day just like this day.

But one day, I know, it will be otherwise.

How does this poem relate to the only church in town?  My life is both my own and part of my communities.  Those communities seem to shape and form me.  They're likely a key part of what I take with me when I separate from this life.  Hebrews 4:15 confirms that Jesus the Christ's life on earth is important to Him; so, I expect ours will be important to us in eternity too.  I hope to continually grow my faith and more naturally love God with all my heart, strength, and mind.  I'm learning to love me and my neighbor too.  Yet, one day it will be otherwise.  Thank you Jane for sharing a "good" piece of your life with us today.

Just for today...

"This day is a beautiful room that's never been seen before. Let me cherish the seconds, minutes, and hours I spend here. Help me to think before I speak and pray before I act." Courage to Change (p.64)

"Right now; We're gifted - God's here; Breathe deeply."  Am I a Poet?

Monday, March 3, 2025

March 3rd - Lovingkindness

The story...

Listening to Simply Red's song, "Holding back the years," seems to emote feelings that abide deep down inside me.  Those welled-up, brain-triggered, emotions remind me that I'm wonderfully human - a "seeker."  A unique creature who's loved by our Creator in Christ; yet, made out of rascally stuff.  I'm a better man when growing in relationship with other characters who're journeying through this epic story of life with me.  

We all know that the years can't really be held back.  The "saying" that "change" is the only constant in life probably isn't a fundamental axiom - it hasn't changed.  Change is worthy of considering as it can help us hold people and things more loosely and focus more on the essentials of life.  As we change, what are we growing toward?  

How does this relate to the only church in town?  I expect that the church will work best when people are allowed to be less guarded and more fully okay with who they actually are.  Maybe, they won't feel the need to fit in with the group by putting on one of those acceptable masks that might be ready and stacked up next to the front door.  It'd be a place where you could be the best version of yourself that's both kind and open to kindness - lovingkindness.

Just for today...

"To me, maturity includes:  

  • Accepting love from others, even if I'm having a tough time loving myself . . . 
  • Having an opinion without insisting that others share it . . . 
  • Forgiving myself and others . . . 
  • Caring for people without having to take care of them . . . 
  • Accepting that I'll never be finished - I'll always be a work-in-progress."  
Courage to Change (p. 63)

"My creator and I; Emote differently - Hormones make me; More like He."  Am I a Poet?

Sunday, March 2, 2025

March 2nd - The missing piece

The story...

It's fun to build jigsaw puzzles with friends.  Each of us has are own way of doing it.  We all contribute towards the same aim - a clear goal.  If you look closely, you'll see that one missing piece.

Thank you Teddy Roosevelt for saving our National Parks.

Why do we often miss one piece?  Where do those lost pieces go?  Maybe they go to the same place as lost socks.  So, is the puzzle complete?  Did we fail?  Must we throw it away so that this outcome doesn't reoccur?  I'm leaving you with those questions.  You probably have your own answers and related questions.

How does this relate to the only church in town?  The pieces of the group continuously change.  It seems that we'll always miss at least one piece.  Yet, the group's better when we're ourselves.  Please don't "try" to be a different puzzle piece and "work" to cram you into a space where you don't fit.   When aligned, we can focus on our North Star - That Than Which There is No Greater!

Just for today...

"Someone said, 'I wasn't born this way; I learned.' When I heard that, I felt more hope than I had ever experienced."  Hope for Today (p. 62)

"The missing piece; Part of the carpet - Eyes find it not; Lost right there."  Am I a Poet?

Saturday, March 1, 2025

March 1st - Knots that bind

The story...

I learned to tie knots as a Boy Scout - including the life-saving Bowline.  You can actually tie the bowline with one hand.  You'll need that knot if you're hanging precariously from a cliff holding onto the end of your rope.  I practiced that knot over and over to become rather adept at tying it for a few days; then, I forgot it.  I likely wouldn't be able to recall that knot when I need it.

There's one knot that's habitually imbedded in my memory.  My dad taught me a knot for tying on fishing lures.  The emotional pain of losing a favorite lure, or possibly the biggest fish of the day, motivated me to learn the method "right."  I tie that knot the same way my dad taught me.  First, you spin seven times - not six or eight.  Alternative fishing line knots are available on YouTube.  They claim to be stronger or simpler to tie.  Am I going to change?  Strangely, no.

There're times when I need to tie a knot, with fishing line, that's not a slip knot.  For example, like when tying an invisible line to prop up an object or to form a safety line to prevent the object from falling from a top shelf.  

Can you see the line?

Who do I call when I'm in need of a specialty knot?  I dial up YouTube and learn from a person who most graciously took the time to share their knowledge with all who want to know.  Thank you YouTubers!

How might the fishing line and knot knowledge relate to the only church in town?   The supporting roles are often hard to see and often require specialized knowledge that're learned throughout a lifetime. 

Please accept my heartfelt thanks for the supporting role(s) that you provide within your communities.  I expect that we all know and feel it when we're using our talents and gifts in the way that's uniquely ours.  I'm so thankful to be found positioned safely in Christ and that the Spirit of Christ can perform great works - even through me.   

Just for today...

"Disappointment, bitterness, and resentment are ties that bind, and until we release these feelings to God, we remain bound to the past."  Hope for Today (p. 61)

"Humility prepares us for the realization of God's will for us; it shows us the benefits we gain from doing away with self-will."  One Day at a Time (p. 61)

"If you understand, things are just as they are; if you do not understand, things are just as they are."  Zen proverb

"Cast the lure quick; The big one lurks below - He chose me; The knot slipped..."  Am I a Poet?

March 8th - A friend to all is a friend to none

 The story.. . When in my 20s, I had a reoccurring fantasy of owning a bar that sold food.  I'd stop by a couple of times per day to see...