Showing posts with label Truth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Truth. Show all posts

Monday, May 27, 2024

May 27th - Tad Sad Today

The story...

I've felt a bit sad over the past few days.  As I write this letter, I miss a loved one who is usually near. I've been more deeply considering the passion week, and a person that I care for shared turmoil that they're working through, I feel distant from my groups, and I recognize the fallacy of my current pattern of focusing on things and experiences for happiness.  I've an underlying feeling of sadness.  The sadness is real - it's a thing.  This sadness and peace don't go together.

My sad feelings experienced over time are inputs that help me wake up to reality.  I've acknowledged my sadness and shared the feeling with two other people who care about me.  Right now, I see my shadow on the wall from the early morning sun.  I feel like I might be entering into a new season - goodbye to the old and hello to the new.  I feel like the sadness may have reintroduced me to a new season of joy and peace.

The only church in town would celebrate the resurrection of their Lord and Savior this week.  They'd be confronting most important truths about their God and themselves - what wonderful experiences and eternal truths shared, and worked out into reality, together. 

Yes, I write the first draft of these blog postings a few weeks before they actually see the light of day.   Like the feeling of sadness needs time to be more fully understood and worked out - I enjoy the editing process of my blog messages.  These stories retold have been helpful for me - praise God in Christ.

Just for today...

Are you feeling: happy, fearful, sad, angry, shameful, or guilty?   What's true about them?  Please don't be too quick to dismiss the reality of the truths you might be feeling.  Maybe they're telling you that there's a better way - a way of peace, rest, and joy.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

March 28th - Co-Dependency

The story...

I've had close relationships with other people that didn't go well.  If they didn't feel good, or they were suffering, then I didn't feel so good and suffered.  I'd "try" to fix, manage, and control them and their situation.  The reasons for my behavior wasn't clear to me yet I expect it was primarily aimed at alleviating the pain for both me and them.  This kind of behavior may be labeled co-dependency - a type of behavior that actually enables the other person's destructive behavior.  You can check out the Wiki link or the variety of books on the subject if you need to know more.

Might a better way of living include trusting what God says is true, living by those truths, and actually being, more truthfully, the kind of person and friend you were hoping to find?  I expect that you're a best friend when you work out your own life well and allow others the respect and dignity to work out their own lives too.  They might actually catch a glimpse of God as you allow Him to indwell and work His way out through you.  Please consider the wisdom of working out your own life while humbly walking, as truthfully as possible, with God as opposed to continuing your attempts to fix, manage, and control yourself and others.

Michelangelo's Work: Adam and God's Relationship 

I expect there'll always be co-dependent relationships within the only church in town.  Yet, they'd likely fade away as the people of the church work out their faith in the Light of reality.

Just for today...

"When I trust God to give me what I need, I let go.  I face forward.  My hands are free for health, loving, and enjoyable activities. I find unexpected reserves of energy."  Courage to Change (p. 88)

March 8th - A friend to all is a friend to none

 The story.. . When in my 20s, I had a reoccurring fantasy of owning a bar that sold food.  I'd stop by a couple of times per day to see...