Showing posts with label Rebel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rebel. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

August 21st - Ain't that good news?

The story...

I've rebelled against being controlled, against my will, throughout my life.  The message of the grace of God was such welcome news to my ears.  It rang true and the resulting relationships have proved worthy within the actualities of life.  Living at peace with God allows me to live in the present where real life and God has been and will be - the most adventurous and satisfying place to be.

My wife will be riding her bike across Iowa in the RAGBRAI tour next week.  This disrupts my normal routines and patterns.  Will I need to plan daily activities to keep myself busy or is there a better way? Surely, I do want to complete extra activities with my free time.  Yet, more importantly, I want to live in the present walking closely with God alongside other co-sojourners.

"It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery." Gal. 5:1 (NASB)   Might I slip back into the world of ongoing attempts of self development, justification, and glorification?  I trust that God will not allow me to stray that far.  Yet, it makes sense to pray for strength against temptations to revert back to that self-serving tyrant task master - self.

The only church in town will preach the good news - the gospel.  God said everyone can be rightly related to our most Holy, Loving, and Just Creator by the great work that He has performed in Christ.  Man - that's good news!

The Gospel - Ain't that good news?

Just for today...

"If I believe that it is hopeless to expect any improvement in my life, I am doubting the power of God . . . Never let me imagine that my satisfaction with life depends on what someone else may do."  One Day at a Time (p. 234)

"In my family, my parents were always telling me what to do. My response was usually angry compliance or rebellious refusal. Either way, I was reacting, not acting, and feeling controlled."  Hope for Today (p. 234)

Saturday, August 3, 2024

August 3rd - Offer Dignity and Respect

The story..

Being the fourth child of the family, with a rebellious spirit, I tended to reject my parents', well intentioned, efforts to control my life.  When faced with resistance, my parents gave me enough "slack" to work out my own way in life.  I learned some of the things that they tried to teach me by experiencing the consequences of my behavior.  I modified, adapted, rolled with the punches, and eventually trusted God's Word regarding who I was and might be in actuality.

I tried to teach my kids what I'd learned so that they might avoid some of the struggles and pain that I went through - I certainly didn't want them to miss out on the freedoms that I valued.  Our parenting methods were a subtle version of  fix, manage, and control - they didn't result in the type of fruit we expected right away - they seemed to rebel too.  I expect that each person does need to be allowed the dignity and respect to work out their own lives. 

The only church in town would know that only God's Will is best.  Thank goodness He did reveal directly, and through prophets, what we do need to know to live a good life within the Will of God.  Congregates would be able to see the fruit of the Spirit of God worked out in other people's lives and witness fruit born within their own lives too.  The only church in town would be a respite from the comings-and-goings of this world - a place to rest in the reality of God's Will.

Just for today...

"My happiness cannot possibly depend on my forcing changes in somebody else. Nor does my misery come from anyone but myself."  One Day at a Time (p. 216)

"... I don't accept my mother as she is either! I want her to embrace my way of thinking, start saying no to people, and not to get so upset about unimportant issues. Basically I want her to think as I do . . . self-righteousness, arrogance, and control."  Hope for Today (p. 216)

"I am able to face the reality of the past, not to place blame or wallow in self-pity but to learn from it." Courage to Change (p. 216)

"Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him."  Aldous Huxley

Monday, July 1, 2024

July 1st - Let 'em Be Free

The story...

My rebellious spirit resisted efforts to fix, manage, control or dominate me.  Had I been more compliant, I likely would've received better grades, learned to play a cornet better, better understood what others were into, and been a part of more groups too.  I do greatly appreciate the groups and relationships that I've been a part of; yet, I seemed driven towards freedom from group think and domineering controlling types.  Sadly, this meant that I had to find ways to deal with the rejection that goes along with a rebellious spirit.

The jobs that I chose, and flourished in, allowed me to exercise my independence and drive change in the processes that converted inputs into outputs.  Rebel against the status quo and change things to make them better.  The jobs involved imagination, risk, reward, influence, and an internal need to succeed - I was naturally good at this type of work and change characterized my career.  When things became too predictable, I moved on towards the next thing.

Was I born to walk this road or was I a product of my environment?  Nobody knows the answer.  I do believe that we all need every person to work out their unique abilities, skills and talents for the benefit of us all.

How might the only church in town be a place where all people would congregate when some of them are rebels like me?  I think that we'd let each person work out their own lives and provide opportunities for groups who would focus on relationships amongst congregates.  Yet, the - North Star - purpose would always be for each person to rest in their right relationship with God in Christ.

Just for today...

"...what I view as a finely developed sense of responsibility may actually amount to a form of dominance." Hope for Today (p.183)

"...the man I married cannot be the source of my happiness or sorrow.  The gift of life is personally mine - as his life belongs to him - to enjoy or destroy, as each of us wishes."  One Day at a Time ([. 183)

"Ever'thing there is but lovin' leaves a rust on yo' soul." Langston Hughes

Thursday, June 13, 2024

June 13th - Love 'em Just the Way They Are or Control 'em?

The story...

As a boy, I learned to conform to the norms of the family, friends, classroom and the church.  When I was rejected by the teacher, peer groups, family members, or "that girl;" then I'd adapt, roll with punches, and even craft my own role to "act" out.  As an adolescent, I often rebelled against the system.

I played the cornet in the band throughout middle school and high school.  This was the group that I best identified with.  However, I "pushed back" against the control that was exercised by the band director.  I refused to participate in any performance challenges during my Junior year.  I merely picked up my horn case and moved down to the lower seat.  This only worked out because the best trumpet player joined me.  The director solved the problem by putting us in a trumpet section - we actually played more of the melody together.  

Controlling to the Extreme

The band director asked that I record my practice hours on a card during my senior year.  He let me know that it was for my benefit and did not require a parent signature.  I took it home and entered two weeks of zeros.  I asked my mom and dad to both sign the practice card - they did.  The band director looked at the signed practice sheet and said: "It appears that this isn't going to work with you."

I worked as a drug-store delivery boy and was assigned to work a Friday evening that required I miss the football game.  The director wouldn't accept my excuse and told me that he better see me in the band formation prior to the game.  I went to work anyway and drove the delivery car through the band formation while waving at the director.  I earned a "D" in band my senior year.

During my Senior year of college I brought two of my friends to my home town and actually took them on a tour of my High School.  The band director saw me as I was making moves to avoid him.  I was shocked at how respectfully he treated me and my friends.  I'm so thankful for that man and how he worked to shape that rebellious spirit in me. He wasn't the last person to reach out with help.

The people in the only church in town will be wonderfully created to be their best as a group.  Strangely, people are drawn to adapt their behavior, or role play, in order to fit the group's expectations of who they "should" be.  Hopefully, the only church in town would love 'em as they are and offer them a path to grow their faith in their own way and at their own pace.  I'm so thankful that the Patriarchs of the bible were often rebels who God loved and redeemed.

Just for today...

"The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image.  Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them."  Thomas Merton:  No Man is an Island.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

May 30th - Does it Seem Wrong to Be Kind to Yourself?

The story...

Are there good guys and bad guys in life?  Or, are we all under the curse of sin and death - bad guys?

I recently met a really good person who remembers only a few times when she rebelled against authority and acted out badly.  She seems compliant and appears to genuinely care for and love other people.  I've met other people who seem rebellious by nature and challenge most direction and attempts to control them - started as a baby and never stopped.  Personally, I tend to fall on the rebellious side of the continuum. 

On May 7, 1931, the most sensational manhunt New York City had ever known had come to its climax.

After weeks of search, "Two Gun" Crowley - the killer, the gunman who didn't smoke or drink - was at bay, trapped in his sweetheart's apartment on West End Avenue. One hundred and fifty policemen and detectives laid siege to his top floor hideaway. They chopped holes in the roof; they tried to smoke out Crowley, the "cop killer," with teargas. Then they mounted their machine guns on surrounding buildings, and for more than an hour one of New York's fine residential areas reverberated with the crack of pistol fire and the rut-tat-tat of machine guns. Crowley, crouching behind an over-stuffed chair, fired incessantly at the police. Ten thousand excited people watched the battle. Nothing like it ever been seen before on the sidewalks of New York.

When Crowley was captured, Police Commissioner E. P. Mulrooney declared that the two-gun desperado was one of the most dangerous criminals ever encountered in the history of New York.

"He will kill," said the Commissioner, "at the drop of a feather." But how did "Two Gun" Crowley regard himself? We know, because while the police were firing into his apartment, he wrote a letter addressed "To whom it may concern, " And, as he wrote, the blood flowing from his wounds left a crimson trail on the paper. In this letter Crowley said: "Under my coat is a weary heart, but a kind one - one that would do nobody any harm. "

A short time before this, Crowley had been having a necking party with his girl friend on a country road out on Long Island. Suddenly a policeman walked up to the car and said: "Let me see your license." Without saying a word, Crowley drew his gun and cut the policeman down with a shower of lead. As the dying officer fell, Crowley leaped out of the car, grabbed the officer's revolver, and fired another bullet into the prostrate body. And that was the killer who said: "Under my coat is a weary heart, but a kind one - one that would do nobody any harm. '

 How to Win Friends And Influence People, Dale Carnegie

Scripture says that all men and women are unholy and separated from our Holy Creator by our selfish nature and the sin that oozes out.   We would all remain separate from God during this life and throughout eternity unless God alone redeemed and reconciled us.  Humans can enter their most important relationship with Him solely based on being identified with Christ and the atoning work He performed through His death and resurrection.  He did the heavy lifting and died for our sin - He paid our debt.  Yes, we can be holy in the site of God in Christ.

Do I have to beat myself up for not being consistently good?  No.  I can walk each day loving God and my neighbor as myself based solely on the great work that God's done on my behalf.  Wow, I can truly rest in the goodness of God.  I can be kind to myself just as I am - praise God.

How would the only church in town accept a rebellious man within their congregation?  I expect that they'd start with acknowledging that they're all somewhere on the rebellion-compliance continuum and that they all need the gift of God's grace daily.

Just for today...

"If I am hard on myself, I can stop and remember that I deserve gentleness and understanding from myself.  Being human is not a character defect!  Today I will be gentle with my humanness."  Courage to Change (p. 151)

Monday, April 29, 2024

April 29th - Be Patient with Me

The story...

The Patriarch Jacob seems to be a rascal whom God loved and favored.  Scripture says that God changed his name to Israel as he walked close to God.  He favored His people Israel on account of His love for Jacob.  Throughout scripture, God is patient with people groups and individuals as they work out their lives. 

We each have been created uniquely - needy and gifted.  I am so glad that God's people, who are models for our faith, are not do-gooders who never made a mistake - phew...  For me, real personal growth has been a slow process marked by step-function improvements, slow degrading drifts, and lasting growth that remains as part of my character.  A life that hopefully you and others can relate to.

Each person entering the only church in town will be different.  And, they will be within some phase of their life that'll likely change as life transforms them - fruitful and unfruitful alike.  The only church in town would show grace and patience with each person as they work out their life.  Hopefully, the attenders will be transformed into people who trust God, act justly, love kindness and walk humbly with God in Christ.  

Just for today...

"I grew up with guilt and blame . . . when past mistakes come to mind I tend to react with guilt, exaggerating the significance of my errors and thinking very badly of myself."  Courage to Change (p. 120)

"Unless we have first judged and condemned them for what they did, there would be no reason for us to forgive them."  One Day at a Time (p. 120)

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

March 21st: Camper or Motorcycle?

The story...

It's not hard to remember the effort it took to pack up for, and unpack from, a camping vacation.  It seemed right to bring everything that we expected to need - to not be found wanting.  Strangely, part of the idea was to get away from the stuff and our routine.

A motorcycle trip is different - space is limited so you bring what you need - this or that.   What happens if it rains?  You get wet and maybe spend time hanging out with others in an unexpected place - you do dry out an often appreciate the people you both helped and allowed to help you.

Motorcyclists often offer a solidarity arm gesture to other riders as they pass each other on the road and they also tend to share stories at the gas pumps too - you do spend more time at gas stations.  When traveling on my motorcycle, I feel like I'm part of a bigger group that wants a freer life.

You can like the idea of riding a motorcycle and buy one this week.  You might keep it stored under a tarp in the back of your garage and take it out occasionally to drive around the neighborhood.  It might be safer that way and your bike would stay shinier and newer looking - maybe that's why so many used motorcycles have few miles on their odometer. 

This motorcycle was great . . .

It seems that the only church in town might be a lot like a biker group.  Living more freely in the present together, rid of the extra baggage, more purposeful.  Like the Greek work "ecclesia" - a called out group of people who wanna be free.

Just for today...

"I've heard that we don't necessarily gravitate toward what is good for us; we gravitate toward what feels like home."  Hope for Today (p. 81)  

"Logic may dictate a certain course of action while my inner voice urges me in a different direction.  I may have an easier time when I follow the dictates of logic, convenience, or past experience, but am I cheating myself out of something much better?"  Courage to Change (p. 81)

March 8th - A friend to all is a friend to none

 The story.. . When in my 20s, I had a reoccurring fantasy of owning a bar that sold food.  I'd stop by a couple of times per day to see...