Friday, September 6, 2024

September 6th - What's really important?

The story...

What's really important today?  I've done a pretty good job of resisting the need to make lists within this blog; yet, this seems like a good place to list what's really important for today - in rank order:

  1. Pray and be quiet with God.
  2. Love the Lord my God - Abide with my Father in a sort of continual prayer/connection.
  3. Be conscience of the Holy Spirit's work as I walk humbly and patiently within the will of God.
  4. Eat, breathe, and take care of my body.
  5. Love my wife as I love myself.
  6. Be joyful, hopeful, peaceful, and bear His fruit.
  7. Love, and receive love from, my church community - the body of Christ.
  8. Build up key relationships more than they've naturally declined.
  9. Interact with neighbors and take opportunities to let'em know they're respected and loved.
  10. Blog and continually learn.  Grow to be a better man who trusts God.
  11. Read what God says.
  12. Maintain and grow the assets that I'm entrusted with.
It's easy for me to see other people not acting out their age and life reality.  I hope that I continue to work out the phase of life that I'm actually in and don't short cut my life story.  I want to be a good character, within the epic story of life, who was and is faithful to his God and Father.

    I hope that I remember, each day, that my story's important only because it's worked out within the will of God.  The Holy Spirit indwells me for His biding and He will be resting in the hands of God after my body breathes it's last breath.  Yet, God's promised a new everlasting body for all eternity - we only know this through His revealed Word found in the bible.  I hope that each of us stays curious regarding the spiritual reality that's just as real as our journey on earth yet eternal. 

    The only church in town would grow Christ ones who live for today, plan for tomorrow, and think on eternity.  They'd learn to live in the reality that we're eternal beings who're journeying on this orb, earth, for but a few seasons.

    Just for today...

    "...most people spend more time planning vacations than they do thinking about what is really important in their lives . . . Am I so busy with smaller, less meaningful concerns that I run out of time for the really important considerations?"  Courage to Change (p. 250)

    "Perhaps I have felt a right and an obligation to set the standards for the family and compel those around me to live up to them . . . Teach me to leave to others their inborn right to dignity and independence, as I wish to have them leave to me."  One Day at a Time (p. 250)

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