Sunday, December 31, 2023

December 31st - Hoping for the best next year - planning to do my part

The story...

The number 24 has been my favorite number for as long as I can remember.  So, I expect that I'll enjoy writing 2024 throughout the year.  The number feels even, comfortable, and strangely helps me feel optimistic about the year.  The Ford Motor Company has planned to build our new Ford Maverick pickup truck during the last week of January and I plan to try Uber driving with it beginning this spring - I'm looking forward to meeting, and serving, all of those people by helping them get to their destinations.  Yes, I'm planning to do my part toward making 2024 a good-to-great year.

My new years resolution is to pray, followed by meditation, for at least ten minutes per day for 100 consecutive days.  Why?  A good friend did something similar, I've the power to make the change happen, and the life change seems to offer only upsides.

Will I track my progress?  Yes, I wish that I didn't need to but experience says that my tracking will help make it happen and result in a sustainable habit of good living.  In reality, my prayer and meditation life drifted to the more normal state; yet, "righter."

The only church in town will share about God's promises for a relationship with Him that trusts only in His provision.  Prayer and quietly listening is part of that relationship.

Happy new year friends!

Just for today...

"The new year which lies before me has no time for futile regrets. I will live one day at a time, making each one better than the last, as I grow in confidence and faith."  One Day at a Time (p. 366)

"Have I thanked that person for all they've given me? Have I recognized my growing ability to love and trust others?"   Courage to Change (p. 366)

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