Wednesday, June 26, 2024

June 26th - What does a good day look like?

The story...

These are my first ten thoughts regarding what I think a good day might find me doing:

  • Trusting in God's will and His provision
  • Living in present reality
  • Engaging in the world
  • Eating, exercising, working and sleeping well
  • Loving and being loved
  • Imagining the good future
  • Resting peacefully
  • Laughing with friends
  • Learning something new
  • Being true to who I am in Christ

What ten things might happen to derail my plans for a good day?

  • Financial loss
  • Criticism from someone I respect
  • Rejection
  • Laziness
  • Focus on myself and attempts to please me
  • Efforts to try to fit in or be like the group
  • No or nonchalant prayer
  • Forced to perform a role that I'm not capable in
  • Change of plans
  • Suffering - me or those I care for

The only church in town would teach people to trust in God's revealed truth about who we are, what we might expect, how God has provided for us, and how we might find peace in all life circumstances.  (Phil. 4:11-13)

Just for today...

"It's as if I don't know how to handle happiness, so I start searching for difficulties to draw on." Hope for Today (p. 178)

"I will not allow old resentments to drag me down any longer.  I am building a better and more loving life today."   Courage to Change (p. 178)

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