Friday, June 7, 2024

June 7th - Let it be heard - lament - be rid of the pain

The story...

I've had the joy of meeting weekly with a group of men while we studied the bible.  Next Monday night will be my last with them.  Strangely, we'll be considering the lamentations of the prophet Jeremiah who lived 40 years warning Jerusalem of God's pending judgment - the destruction of the people, temple, palace, city, law, festivals, and land.  A remnant of 4,600 people would be exiled to Babylon for 70 years to cleanse the people and the land from the effects of sin.  Jerimiah lamented deeply - he's known as the weeping prophet.

All life comes with suffering - ignoring, pretending and hiding seem to be reasonable responses yet they run rife with bad consequences - bottled up emotions is no way to live a good life.  God knows our heart and hears our prayers that cry out with the pain inflicted from our personal and collective sin. 

The only church in town would be acutely aware that they're living in a cursed world.  People need to be restored when sin inflicts it's damage.  Real freedom and love are offered by God through faith in His great work in Christ.  Yet, the pain and sufferings of life take their toll.  God hears our lamenting and loves those who walk faithfully beside Him within the only church in town.

The Passion Of The Christ - Tear Drop From God

Why not go to a quiet place and let it out today?

Just for today...

"Courtesy . . . is an expression of love, warm concern for the other person's comfort, peace of mind and well being . . . The practice of courtesy in the home gives us many opportunities each day to convey our love in little ways."  One Day at a Time (p. 159)

"When I turn off one feeling, I shut off all the others . . .  Sobbing, wailing, lamenting - all different ways of discharging my pain so that I can heal - allow me to experience the strength of my aliveness."  Hope for Today (p. 159)

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