Saturday, February 17, 2024

February 17th - A place to pray

 The story...

Do you have a place to pray?  What triggers your prayer habit?  In the past, my knees hurt due to bursitis.  I ordered my kneeling pad one day, from Amazon, and received it on my door step the next day - the delivery speed continues to amaze me.  It was comfortable, I could slide it under my bed, and it worked.  It surprised me that both seeing the pad and thinking about the pad triggered my prayer response - that's a good thing.

How would a place to pray work out in the only church in town?  I expect that the doors would be open often for those who are prompted to kneel in the quietness of a sanctuary.  Scriptures says that we can live a life of continuous prayer without going into the church building - remaining in a sort of constant communication.  Yet, we know there are times when we need to shut out the cares of the world and go to a place where we can kneel down and be quiet.   A place that's separate from the cares and noise of the world - a place that triggers a restorative experience of worship, praise, thanking, asking, receiving and listening.  That's a good place to be.

Just for today...

"Faith takes practice.  Fears can loom large and I can get lost in my limited thinking.  When I can't see any way out and I doubt that even God can help me, that's when I most need to pray."    Courage to Change (p. 48)

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus."  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NASB)

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