Monday, April 29, 2024

April 29th - Be Patient with Me

The story...

The Patriarch Jacob seems to be a rascal whom God loved and favored.  Scripture says that God changed his name to Israel as he walked close to God.  He favored His people Israel on account of His love for Jacob.  Throughout scripture, God is patient with people groups and individuals as they work out their lives. 

We each have been created uniquely - needy and gifted.  I am so glad that God's people, who are models for our faith, are not do-gooders who never made a mistake - phew...  For me, real personal growth has been a slow process marked by step-function improvements, slow degrading drifts, and lasting growth that remains as part of my character.  A life that hopefully you and others can relate to.

Each person entering the only church in town will be different.  And, they will be within some phase of their life that'll likely change as life transforms them - fruitful and unfruitful alike.  The only church in town would show grace and patience with each person as they work out their life.  Hopefully, the attenders will be transformed into people who trust God, act justly, love kindness and walk humbly with God in Christ.  

Just for today...

"I grew up with guilt and blame . . . when past mistakes come to mind I tend to react with guilt, exaggerating the significance of my errors and thinking very badly of myself."  Courage to Change (p. 120)

"Unless we have first judged and condemned them for what they did, there would be no reason for us to forgive them."  One Day at a Time (p. 120)

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