Saturday, October 26, 2024

October 26th - Did I criticize the pastor to deflect self-criticism?

The story...

On the way home from church, the conversation often focused on the pastor and the sermon they just delivered.  Rather than focusing on what may have been true about me, my faith, my heart, and my life; I often, not to subtly, criticized the pastor's message, the pastor, or other people within the church.  Sure, my criticism might have been tactfully disguised as an opinion; but, the intent was likely to feel better about myself by criticizing others. 

Maybe these sermons upset my vision of who I was, what I was doing, and where I was going.  Maybe I was imaging a reality that was skewed and in need of change?  Now, I believe that I was deflecting, denying, and delaying.  Then, I was protecting myself and the status quo.  A condition that included unresolved rejection, shame, guilt, hurt...

The only church in town will preach the Word of God in reality.  People will not be pleased when their selfish attempts to control their life don't look so good in the Light of God's revealed Word.  There's going to be turmoil both before and after the transformational work of the gospel believed.  Yet, this is the place where that rejection, shame, guilt, and hurt can be left at the foot of the cross - there's forgiveness and redemption there.  The joy of a good heart walking honestly and humbly with the Lord their God.

Just for today...

"For a few minutes I felt better about myself - but not for long and only at other people's expense. Gossip never enriched anyone's character. It was only an excuse to avoid focusing on myself . . . When I feel good about myself, it's much easier not to take insults personally."  Courage to Change (p. 300)

"Some folks worry and putter, 

Push and shove,

Hunting little molehills,

To make big mountains of."

One Day at a Time (p. 300) 

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