Saturday, September 30, 2023

September 30th - Imagining what God said or what I might worry into existence?

The story...

I read and silently sang songs from a "Young Life" song book this morning.  It was a wonderful imaginary trip into past experiences, feelings, and with glimpses of what might be down the road.

Maybe I imagined more when I was young - before the reality of the middle chapters of life were written.  The future was unknown then; yet, I question how much I do know of what actually happened in the past that I partially experienced.  There was a lot that I didn't see, much that I ignored, and certainly spiritual realities that weren't meant for my eyes.

I can only imagine

The only church in town will work out life within community - one that trusts God.  A community that's enlightened by the Word of God.  While imagining realities that are only partially witnessed, we're able to experience enough with glimpses of so much more.  "I can only imagine..."

Just for today...

"This day is all I have to work with. The past is over and tomorrow is out of reach."  Courage to Change (p. 274)

Worrying is using your imagination to create a future you don't want.

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