The story...
My dad and I had things in common that became apparent before he passed on to the next life. I inherited some of his physical features, picked up some of his habits, learned some of his life principles; yet, there're some traits that reflect more of our inner man. For example, we both were compelled to do cross-word puzzles, eat sardines out of the can, and find enjoyment from feeding the birds.
2023 bird feeding scene
It was the only bird feeder, that I knew of, in our "neck of the woods." I was surprised that I had a need to show you a picture with the variety of red-headed wood peckers that are often there - vanity? Yet, this picture reflects more of how the scene normally looked. I truly care for the birds that congregate there and sense this in my inner-man. It costs money, time, and space to care for them. Hawks and owls can grab them, two chickadees were crushed in the squirrel-protection device, fierce weather, and even my neglect to refill the feeders may have caused my bird friends to doubt the provider. I obviously didn't enjoy or watch them continuously. Watching birds does seem to increase my personal sense of: love, joy, peace, patience, faithfulness, kindness, gentleness and self-control - fruit.
I wonder what God experiences when he focuses on the only church in town? I expect that He loves His creation and receives love from their worship and praise as redeemed creatures. Are His eyes always on us?
Just for today...
"...I always compared myself to others, particularly my family members, and vowed to be better than them. I sought the elation of winning and wanted to be praised. My constant comparing and competing gradually edged most people out of my life. Ultimately I was not even good enough for myself, and attitude that led me to harsh self-abuse." Hope for Today (p. 38)
"I'm drawn to feed, God's created beings - He feeds me too; As I bend my knee and heart." Am I a Poet?
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