The story ...
The lyrics, of the MercyMe's "I Can Only Imagine," kindles wonderful images in both my imagination and inner man. What will the afterlife be like? Scripture reveals images such as God's throne room in Isaiah 6 - it seems we're given just enough to establish a confident hope.
I imagined how my future spouse would fulfill my love needs. It probably didn't occur to me that she might also be hoping that I might fulfill her love needs too. These idealized hopes likely kept us moving forward - striving for an unattainable "best." I've heard it said that insecure single people, who marry to fill the void they feel, will likely idolize their spouse. If and when their spouse doesn't fulfill their fantasy, then the idolizing may turn into demonizing?
I can only imagine the only church in town, that might be characterized as "the best," yet I doubt that it can ever truly exist. Personally, I've spent too many destructive hours critiquing the church, and the people in it, for not meeting my expectations. Might the attainable good church be the place where people learn to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God in Christ (Micah 6:8).
Might the "good" only church in town best be communicated as a painting? I admire those who can paint what they see or imagine in their inner person. I'm not an artist; yet, I did invest a chunk of my life imagining, planning, and painting. I understand that it's best to merely display a painting and let the viewer decide what it means to them. So, here it goes - my first public display of artwork.
Thoughts for the day ...
"Think," yet resist those thoughts that are impulsive, compulsive or reactive. Aretha Franklin has something good to say about thinking.
"Thy God of Hope; promises all joy and peace - Thy tyrant self; offers futile tries." Am I a Poet?
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