Wednesday, July 31, 2024

July 31st - If stronger triceps muscles help then how might...

The story...

It scrolled upon my computer, an ad for a pulley with weight lifting attachments that'd allow me to do pull-down exercises in my basement.  It seemed liked a simple and doable strength solution to my lower back limitation - it was less than $30.  Where would I put it?  One click and it was purchased.

I took down the heavy punching bag, that I didn't use, and it was situated just right.  The change to my weight lifting regime was both satisfying and fruitful - my triceps have never been stronger.  Basketball shooting was never my strong point - I was surprised at how much easier, accurate and precise my shots are now.  I continue to be surprised at how some everyday tasks are easier and more satisfying too.

It seems most people don't do strength training - "It's just not my thing."  It does require 25 minutes, two or three times per week.  For me, I listen to my spiritual mentor, Charles Stanley, on the TV while I'm lifting.- I come up from the basement better off physically, emotionally, and spiritually then when I went down.

We're all different and it takes time to make sustainable changes within our lives.  Until the change works out in actualities and habits, it's hard to know how life will be different.  For me, I don't want to give up weight lifting or my motorcycle.  I've a friend who wouldn't give up her quilting, another who wouldn't give up her garage sales, another guy who is passionate about his guns, another who loved her gardening, and another who wouldn't give up her pickleball leagues. 

The only church in town would allow opportunities for every person to apply their God given gifts, abilities, and interests.  And, they'd hear about life-giving changes that people experience along their life journeys.  They'd also hear how the Spirit of God intervened before significant real-life changes started.  If it was from God, you won't want to go back to the old-stale stuff.  I guess it depends on who your master is - you or your Lord.

Just for today...

"When I take one day, one moment, one task at a time and really concentrate on it, a lot more gets done."  Courage to Change (p. 213)

"I must learn to accept myself as I am. Everything good I can bring about must begin with that."  One Day at a Time (p. 213)

"I reaffirm that God is a Power greater than myself with thoughts and feelings very different from mine. This allows me to set my thoughts aside and take time to focus on His thoughts and how He wants to express them through me."  Hope for Today (p. 213)

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