Monday, August 26, 2024

August 26th - W.A.I.T. - Why Am I Talking?

The story...

I'm involved in a mentoring program with a young man whose shoe size is the same as mine.  As we've gotten to know each other, we also learned that we both like to be quiet.  For our game and fellowship time our team name is "Quiet Big Shoes."  The mentoring program questions are normally met by his silence which I've learned to respect - he pondered them - although I doubted that he even heard them at first.  Our quietness seems to respect his right to personal boundaries and the dignity to be just as he is.  Our "attitudes" seem to be a part of the closer relationship that influences both him and me.  We're beginning to like being with each other. We seem to more freely engage both our hearts and minds.

When facilitating brain-storming idea creation exercises, I learned that the best ideas seemed to come after the barrage of quick ideas were over.  There was the interim quiet time where each member of the group seemed to quiet their minds and more comfortably search beyond the limits of their normal operational thinking patterns.  That's the place where the good ideas and new learning seems to pop up into the light of...   I want to live in that place more often.  A similar process seems to occur by myself, with a good friend, with a friendly group, with a not so friendly groups, and within community too.

The only church in town will never be bent according to my will no matter how much dust I kick up trying to convince others that my vision of the "best" or "ideal" is right for us.  What a great thing to be quiet within relationships - growing and walking honestly and humbly together.

Oh... what a joy to be rightly related to God in Christ.  Within my prayers I give praise, thanks, asks, quietly listen, meditate on a truth that God spoke.  Sometimes I fall asleep within our spirit-to-Sprit connection.  Our relationship is mysterious, wonderful, and available through faith in the revealed Word of God.  God knows what's in a man's heart and scripture says the Spirit of Christ indwells those who are His.

Just for today...

W:   Why

A:     Am

I:        I

T:   Talking?

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