Sunday, August 11, 2024

August 11th - How are you doing inside, outside, and in actuality?

The story...

The group leader challenged the leaders and teens to evaluate how they performed the games on three different levels: inside you, outside you, and the actual game score - what a helpful tool for all of us.  

  1. Were my inward thoughts positive and directed toward the game situation?
  2. Did I encourage others and treat them the way that I wanted to be treated?
  3. What was the actual game score?

Cornhole - fun game played shoulder-to-shoulder

The only church in town would have a pastor who would both share God's revealed word and the truth of how they've worked it out within the actualities of their own life.  That's the kind of person who people will seek out for advise and counseling.  A guy that you might honestly and fruitfully walk side by side with throughout your life journey.

The church organization would be a respite where people would be encouraged to work out their own faith in actuality - first inwardly, and secondly outwardly alongside others.  If we keep score, then it behooves us to keep score on all three levels.  Winners in the game of life are found in Christ - FREE from the tyrannical ruler of self!

Just for today...

"Suppose I feel like a prisoner, trapped in an irksome way of life, as so many of us do. What am I doing about it? My obvious impulse is to try to manipulate the things and people around me into being more acceptable to me. Do I argue, rage and weep to make my spouse behave in a way that I think will make me happier? Happiness isn't won that way."  One Day at a Time (p. 224)

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."  Romans 12:21 NASB

"It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery."  Galatians 5:1 NASB

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