Sunday, May 5, 2024

May 5th - Limitations

The story...

If I'm honest with my reality and the limited control that I have over it, I stand, or bow, in humility.  The need to work out life best with an honest appreciation of me, humility. reminds me of a quote from the Dirty Harry movie Magnum Force: "a man's got to know his limitations."

Does being humble include being honest with our limitations and bowing in awe of our Creator and God?  It seems the only logical conclusion, makes sense with my life walk, and sits well within my stomach too.

I hope that the people of the only church in town don't build their faith based on the quality of their leader - often the pastor.  The pastor's under the curse, the law of sin and death, just like you.  Yet, all who attend the only church in town would hear him preach the good news.  "That Than Which There is No Greater" offered an all-powerful redeemer - His only begotten Son.  I'm glad that He's my redeemer and that I don't have to rely on me or the possibility of a helpful and capable guy like "Dirty Harry."

Just for today...

"I begin  to learn humility when I take the first step.  By admitting I am powerless, I make room for the possibility that a Power greater than myself can do all those things that are beyond my reach."  Courage to Change (p. 126)

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