Tuesday, May 21, 2024

May 21st - Staying Curious, Opinionated or Simply Trusting God?

The story...

I grew up in a "blue ribbon" family who thought that their way was the best way - others hadn't yet learned the right way.  My dad was forceful with his opinions, within the family, yet quiet and humbler when outside.  

I rebelled.  It may have started when I refused to show any emotion when he spanked me at about twelve years of age - he never spanked or punished me again.  He was a good man who didn't know the best way to be a father either - neither of us were given the "dad" instruction manual.  He did give me the freedom to live. One day I told him that I no longer needed my allowance.  I had a paper route and no longer wanted to do the small number of mandatory chores around the house - he said okay.  He stood by his word and I don't remember ever being compelled to make my bed again.

Like him, I wanted to be the best dad I could be.  I was so proud to win this trophy the weekend after my first child's birth - winning required running through pain.

I'm thankful for each life experience that's exposed me to other ways of thinking and living.  Being curious and a story teller by nature, I learned from other people's life stories.  Yes, I appreciate people who are different from me and vulnerable enough to share parts of their life stories. 

It seems that most people aren't quite so curious and are more comfortable and safer within tighter boundaries.  When I find it difficult to listen to people with restricted points of view, I've learned to be patient and seek to understand - being grateful for what I can learn from each.  I've intend to value each person whom I've had the privilege of getting to know better.  

In recent years, I've grown by listening to people who have a simple faith in God.  By simple, I mean that they've avoided thousands of hours of bible study in attempts to perfect their knowledge of God and the potential of their relationship with Him.  They simply rely on a few essential promises from God and believe on Him for their salvation from this life and for all eternity too. Then, they work their faith out in actualities.  It brings me great joy to share their life stories.

Everybody within the only church in town would be valued and known to be worthy of respect.  We would be heard and loved by our neighbors - just the way we are.  Oh..., the unlimited potential!

Just for today...

 "My children tell me they appreciate being able to talk with me without being 'fixed' or 'bossed' around . . . many of my problems stemmed from minding everyone's business but my own."  Hope for Today (p. 142)

"Humility is said to be perpetual quietness of heart.  It means that I do my part and trust God to take care of the rest."  Courage to Change (p. 141)

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