Showing posts with label Step-Function. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Step-Function. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

May 14th - Step-Function Improvement

The story...

To forecasting what might happen in the future, we may look at recent past, expected events, seasonality, changes in the environment etc.  We might even create a mathematical forecasting model that'd be validated by inputting data from the past and checking how it'd have predicted what actually occurred.  We all forecast what we expect to happen in the future - some people tend to see the future as rosier than it likely will be and some overemphasis the negative possibilities.  Forecasting models help us better understand our bias.

A leader gets her group together to set a percent improvement goal for next year.  Say, the individual team members are willing to commit to a 5%, 10%, !0%, and 15% improvement.  The group might therefore decide on a 10% improvement goal - it's the average and most people believe it's doable.  The leader knows that the customers and owners want a 40% improvement.  So, she let's the group know that the goal will be a 40% improvement - a goal that's too big to make enhancements to the current way of doing things.  They need a step-function "big" improvement - significant change.  Management will give them the processes, time, resources, and support to make it happen.

Balance beam w/spring on the end - "it worked!"

The group puts their faith in the leader's commitment to change, the change process, promises of resources, and the principles that go along with it.  The principles include: always meeting customer needs, never rushing, and not staying busy all the time -  there must be time available to fulfill peak demands and to work improvement activities etc.  They PLAN the changes, DO the changes, CHECK to make sure the actual change meets their expectations, and ACT to make the changes permanent - life's better.

The only church in town will tell people that a step-function improvement in their lives can be worked out in reality.  Within the church, there are real-life examples of spiritual maturity with "skin on them."  They might witness relationships worked according to God's revealed plan for the "good life."  Each person grows at their own pace and the group grows too.  Step-function change happening when people fully trusted God - it's the power of God.

Just for today...

"First I dream. Then I do. Then I detach and let God determine the outcome."  Hope for Today (p. 135)

"Just when we reach the end of our patience, a doorway seems to open and we take a huge leap forward."  Courage to Change (p. 135)

March 9th - Did I run a good race?

The story... It's the 22nd mile of the October 17th, 1999, Detroit Marathon.  A man, dressed in black and red, stood outside a bar with ...